Ceri Shaw



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Pixy Jones brand new 'Maureen Dreams No More' single out soon on Strangetown

user image 2022-08-05
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music

pixy jones.jpg

Pixy Jones  announces brand new single  'Maureen Dreams No More'  which is the 2nd single to be taken from anticipated debut album  'Bits n Bobs'  released via Strangetown Records on the 16th September.

'Maureen Dreams No More'  will be released digitally on the 5th of August.

Pixy Jones brand new Debut Album 'Bits n Bobs'

El Goodo guitarist and songwriter 'Pixy Jones' has announced that his debut album entitled 'Bits n Bobs' is due for release on 16th of September via Strangetown Records.

Branching away from the familiar El Goodo platform, Welsh psych scene stalwart Pixy Jones has himself compiled a truly remarkable collection of tracks that fluctuate from 60's harmony-rich psych pop, to Alt-Country with ringing tremelo guitar.

The swaggering 'I'm Not There' is the first single to be taken from 'Bits n Bobs' accompanied by a magical version of Beatles track 'And Your Bird Can Sing' as it's B SIde, which will be released digitally on Friday 1st of July.

Pixy had this to say about the release:

The album was originally intended as a solo project under the pseudonym of “Wallace Russell”. I recorded it alongside the recording of Zombie (El Goodo) whenever I could get in the studio. There are some really old songs that have always been overlooked for 'El Goodo' albums for one reason or another, a few new ones which I wrote specifically for this, and a couple that would have probably ended up on the intended double album version of Zombie if we’d kept going with the double album idea. I’ve since ditched the 'Wallace Russell' name and gone back to 'Pixy Jones' as I figured there’s no need to have a pseudonym if nobody knows who you are in the first place. Even though I dropped the name I’ve kept the walrus mask for now as it is more photogenic than my actual face.

I had no recording budget so I had to fund it by quitting smoking and saving the money up to pay for studio time. It took, I think, two and a half years to record, which is by far the quickest I’ve ever recorded an album. Would have been quicker too if it wasn’t for Covid!

Originally I wanted it to just be a quickly recorded slap dash and get it out sort of thing but I had a year and a half during Covid to think about it a bit more and ended up taking more care to get it done properly. It was just me there so I played most of it myself apart from  Stephen Black (Sweet Baboo)  who played brass and woodwind on one song and  Rhodri Brooks (AhGeeBe)  plays some pedal steel on a couple.

Elliott and Canny from 'El Goodo' played drums and bass on Wind Street during the Zombie recording sessions.

The album was recorded and mixed in  Aerial Studios  with  Tim Lewis  aka  Thighpaulsandra (Coil/Hawkwind/Spiritulized) , a couple of songs were finished in the house during the lockdowns.

It’ll be released on  Strangetown Records.