Ceri Shaw



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HMS Morris new 'Pastille' EP out 4th December via Bubblewrap Collective

user image 2020-12-02
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music


On the 4 th  of December HMS Morris will be releasing an EP called ‘Pastille’ - 5 songs recorded and released in 2020. The collection represents a fairly coherent period, when circumstances required a particular mode of composing, producing and being. This EP sums up all the band’s 2020 feels.

‘Pastille’ features an extended version of ‘Partypooper’ and an exclusive track ‘Marshmallow’ and will be available on a Ltd Edition 12” Pastel Blue Vinyl limited to 100 copies – you snooze you lose.

Here’s the story behind Pastille EP, which will be released on December 4th on Bubblewrap Records:

Pastille is a collection of 5 songs we’ve written (or at least finished off) during 2020, and as such is a chronicle of our experience of one of the most significant years in living memory. There’s been plenty of time to think seriously about our life choices, as well as much pondering of superficial silliness. We’ve reacted to political turmoil first with a call to arms, and then with lots and lots of samba-charged escapism.

Even the method of Pastille’s release is a reflection of 2020. This year signifies the end of the old-school music industry, which has been on life support ever since CD sales stopped pumping at the turn of the century. Ever more dependent on touring income, the industry faces a bleak future as the ban on live music events lingers on.

One bright point has been the growing profile and importance of Bandcamp. The platform has long been the most direct way of turning fans’ money into musicians’ lunches, and this year they’ve stepped up their support even further by waiving their fees on the first Friday of every month. It’s in recognition of Bandcamp’s role in the emerging 21st century music industry – and in recognition that we need to eat! – that we are releasing Pastille exclusively as a vinyl package on that platform.

We realize that asking fans to pay directly for our music might seem cheeky, presumptuous, or be annoying for people who already pay a subscription for a streaming service, so we’ve worked hard to make Pastille as special as possible, a package that’s infinitely better than just streaming the tunes.

So thanks in advance for your support, and take care everyone x (Heledd/Sam)

Tracklist: HMS Morris 'Pastille'

01. Partypooper (5:23)
02. Poetry (4:28)
03. Babanod (3:53)
04. Myfyrwyr Rhyngwladol (4:05)
05. Marshmallow (3:26)


Pastille EP features an epic extended version of Partypooper, an exclusive track, Marshmallow, and re-mastered versions of Poetry, Babanod and Myfyrwyr Rhyngwladol. It comes on a limited edition 12” pastel blue vinyl (download code included), and will be available to pre-order from November 6th on HMS Morris’ bandcamp page:


or direct from Bubblewrap Records:


The standard package will include a disk, download code and enamel pin-badge, while the deluxe package also includes a t-shirt. All artwork and merch has been created in collaboration with Ceredigion artist Mari Elin Jones, who generally showcases her creations here:  www.instagram.com/mari.melyn/

It will be available to pre-order alongside some new merchandise on November 6 th  from the following websites -  https://hmsmorrisband. bandcamp.com/  &  https://bubblewrapcollective. co.uk/shop-bubblewrap/

All 2020 merch and artwork has been a collaboration between HMS Morris and the artist Mari Elin. We thank her for all her imagination and we thank you for all your support during a turbulent time for artists and makers.

Standard Package – Vinyl, Enamel badge and digital download code, £20.00
Deluxe Package – Vinyl, Enamel badge, T-Shirt and digital download code, £35.00

Gadewch i ni roi terfyn i’r flwyddyn ddomllyd yma gydag ychydig o newyddion da!

Ar Rhagfyr y 4ydd fydd HMS Morris yn rhyddhau eu EP ‘Pastille’ – 5 cân welodd golau dydd yn 2020. Mae’r casgliad yn cynrychioli cyfnod cyson a ddigyfnewid pan oedd amgylchaidau yn gofyn am ffordd go benodol o gyfansoddi, cynhyrchu a bod. Mae’r EP yma yn crynhoi holl deilmladau 2020 y band.

Mae ‘Pastille’ yn cynnwys fersiwn estynedig o ‘Partypooper’ a trac ecsgliwsif o’r enw ‘Marshmallow.’
Fydd yr EP ar gael ar finyl 12’’ glas golau – 100 copi yn unig – peidwich bod yn gysglyd.

Fe fydd ar gael i’w rag-archebu ar y 6ed o Dachwedd yngyd â chrysau-t a bathodynnau o’r gwefannau canlynol -  https://hmsmorrisband. bandcamp.com/  &  https://bubblewrapcollective. co.uk/shop-bubblewrap/

Mae holl waith celf 2020 y band wedi bod yn gyd-weithrediad a’r artist Mari Elin! Diolch iddi am ei holl dychymyg a diolch i chi i gyd am eich cyfnogaeth yn ystod cyfnod go gythryblys i artistiaid a gweithwyr creadigol.

Pecyn Sylfaenol – Vinyl, Bathodyn enamel a côd lawrlwytho, £20.00
Pecyn Ffansi – Vinyl, Bathodyn enamel, crys t a côd lawrlwytho, £35.00