Ceri Shaw



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HMS Morris brand new single 'Partypooper' Out this Friday 06/11 on Bubblewrap Collective

user image 2020-11-06
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music


Following the release of ‘Babanod’, ‘Poetry’ and ‘Myfyrwyr Rhyngwladol’ earlier in the year, HMS Morris are back with the fourth and final single in the series, ‘Partypooper’, will be released on November 6th.

Songwriter Heledd Watkins explains Partypooper’s origins thus:

‘It’s a response to the mental highs and lows of being a musician – or any kind of human person really. A great deal of us struggle with a little internal partypooper, a malignant imp who likes to wait until we’re at our happiest before screwing up her mean little face and blowing mightily on her shit-horn of doubt and regret, leaving our ears ringing and our confidence in tatters as she skips gleefully away. She’s not above putting the boot in when you’re down either; during the downtime in between gigs, or as you’re reading a crap review of a record you spent the last year perfecting, or when you see a hype band flying past at 100 miles an hour to New Music Friday-land or some equally alluring destination. We all have one. We all deal with them in different ways. Here’s hoping that mine has a fear of high-tempo Latin numbers with horns and distorted wailing.’

Partypooper features guest appearances from the superb Owain Gruffudd and Gwyn Owen from Band Pres Llareggub (Owain also arranged the brass). Iestyn Jones is on drums. It was recorded at St Peter’s and Fitzhamon Studio in Cardiff, and Stiwdio Sain in Llandwrog. Partypooper will be available to stream or purchase digitally from all the usual platforms.

Yn dilyn y senglau ‘Babanod’, ‘Poetry’ a ‘Myfyrwyr Rhyngwladol’ yn gynharach elenni, bydd HMS Morris yn ôl gyda’r bedwaredd sengl yn y gyfres, a’r olaf, ar Dachwedd y 6ed. Ei henw yw ‘Partypooper’.

Ebe Heledd:

‘Mae’r gân yn ymateb i’r uchderau ac iselfanau meddyliol sy’n rhan o fywyd cerddor – neu unryw berson a dweud y gwir. Mae nifer fawr ohonom ni’n ymrafael â partypooper bach mewnol, ryw hen ‘sguthan flin sy’n joio torri ar draws dy hwyl gyda’i hutgorn alarus, gan aros nes dy fod di’n hapus dy fyd ac yna’n dy foddi mewn atseiniau o amheuon ac edifeirwch. Ac dyw hi ddim rhy browd i dy gicio di pan wyt ti lawr chwaith; wrth i ti ddarllen adolygiad gâs o record rwyt ti newydd dreulio blwyddyn yn gweithio arni, yn ystod y saib ryfedd yna rhwng gigs, neu pan wyt ti’n gweld y band-heip diweddaraf yn hedfan heibio ar 100 milltir yr awr ar eu ffordd i diroedd gyfriniol New Music Friday neu debyg. Mae un ganddon ni i gyd. Ry’n ni oll yn delio â nhw mewn ffyrdd gwahanol. Dwi’n gobeithio fod fy un i â ffobia o diwns Latin tempo-uchel gyda chyrn a sgrechfeydd’.

Mae Partypooper yn elwa o gyfraniadau gwych Owain Gruffudd a Gwyn Owen o Fand Pres Llaregub (diolch hefyd i Owain am y trefniant brass). Iestyn Jones sydd ar y dryms. Fe’i recordiwyd yn Stiwdio Fitzhamon a St Peter’s yng Nghaerdydd, a Stiwdio Sain yn Llandwrog. Bydd Partypooper ar gael i’w ffrydu a’i phwrcasu yn ddigigol o’r llefydd arferol.

"In a very clever twist, HMS Morris have masked an honest projection with a beat that intensifies and connects rhythmically to the audience. 
It’s fun, deceptive, frivolous, and fearlessly honest.  HMS Morris continue to provide addictive pop at it’s very best".

Circuit Sweet
“HMS Morris have been creating some of the most interesting art-rock and electro-pop music in the UK for a number of years now, and with Poetry and their previous single Babanod, the band are showing no signs of slowing down or treading water.”

-  Louder Than War