Ceri Shaw



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C E L A V I (Keh-Laa-Vee) A R E Y O U R E A D Y F O R S O M E T H I N G D I F F E R E N T ?

user image 2019-12-29
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music

C E L A V I  Web Image.jpg

C E L A V I   are an industrial/rock/electro band from Bangor, North Wales. The heavy guitar driven sound of their music is dramatically contrasted by Sarah’s soft and delicate voice which compliments their music and makes them stand out from the crowd.  

N O V U S   is   C E L A V I ’s  debut EP released on the MERAKI label and was recorded in the same studio as the mighty Parting Gift who are now signed to Fearless Records in California. 

N O V U S   was released on the 23 rd  August 2019 and is available on all digital platforms.

Are you ready for something different? Welcome to our goth world. 

Dark. Heavy. Strange. Beautiful.

Industrial. Rock. Electro. Metal. 



Twitter: @Celavi_Music

Instagram: @celavi_music 

Soundcloud:  www.soundcloud.com/wearecelavi