Ceri Shaw



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SERA - New Single 'Rabbit Hole' Out 7.6.19

user image 2019-05-30
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music
'Rabbit Hole'  is the first single from SERA's collection of songs for 2019 and from her new collaboration with producer Andi Bonsai.

SERA played a mellow acoustic ' Rabbit Hole'  on her guitar to Andi one wet and windy October morning and by the end of the day, that song had transformed into the high energy version you hear today. ' Rabbit Hole'  stays true to SERA's Americana/folk style but takes on some bold new ideas.The chorus explodes into  Come with me to incredible things, where the oysters march from the sea,  inviting you into a world of the fantastic. SERA's new songs will continue to follow in this theme of the mythic-surreal rooted in very real experiences.

'Rabbit Hole'  is a journey through an addictive relationship, leading through naivety and self destruction to escape. SERA hails from Caernarfon in North Wales and is a busy bilingual (Welsh and English) performer and songwriter, part of the CEG Records family.

In addition to great support from Welsh media and festival such as BBC Radio Wales/ Radio Cymru, S4C and Focus Wales, support for SERA's music has come from Chris Hawkins 6Music, Claire Blading Radio 2, specialist shows, North American Festival of Wales, How the Light Gets in, Festival Number 6, Henley Festival and more and continues to grow....

'Rabbit Hole'  will be released officially on CEG Records via PYST on June 7th along with a music video.

For all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Soundcloud) go to @serasongs

'Rabbit Hole'  yw'r sengl gyntaf o gasgliad o ganeuon gan SERA am 2019 ac o gyd-weithio a'r cynhyrchydd Andi Bonsai.

Chwaraeodd SERA  Rabbit Hole  yn acwstig ar ei gitâr i Andi un bore Hydref gwlyb a gwyntog, ac erbyn diwedd y dydd, roedd y gân honno wedi trawsnewid i'r fersiwn egnïol a glywch heddiw. Mae ' Rabbit Hole' yn aros yn wir i arddull Americana/gwerin SERA ond yn datblygu rhai syniadau newydd beiddgar. Mae'r cytgan yn ffrwydro i mewn i  Come with me to incredible things where the oysters march from the sea , gan eich gwahodd i fyd swreal. Bydd caneuon newydd SERA yn parhau i ddilyn yn y thema hon o'r swreal-chwedlonol sydd wedi'i gwreiddio mewn profiadau go iawn.

Mae ' Rabbit Hole'  yn siwrne trwy berthynas gaethiwus, gan arwain trwy naïfder a hunan-ddinistrio i ddianc. Mae SERA yn hanu o Gaernarfon yng Ngogledd Cymru ac mae'n berfformiwr a chyfansoddwr caneuon prysur dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg) ac yn rhan o deulu CEG Records. Yn ogystal â radio a'r cyfryngau yng Nghymru, megis BBC Radio Wales/Radio Cymru a S4C, mae cefnogaeth i gerddoriaeth SERA wedi dod gan Chris Hawkins 6Music, Claire Blading BBC Radio 2, Gŵyl Cymru Gogledd America, Focus Wales, How the Light Gets in, Festival Number 6, Gŵyl Henley a mwy ac yn parhau i dyfu...

Bydd ' Rabbit Hole'  yn cael ei ryddhau'n swyddogol ar Recordiau CEG trwy PYST ar y 7fed o Fehefin ynghyd â fideo.

Ar gyfer yr holl gyfryngau cymdeithasol (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Soundcloud) ewch i @serasongs

Live dates / Dyddiadau Byw  May 23 - Beaumaris Festival
May 23 - Curiad Bangor Pulse
May 26 - Rhuddfest
May 28 - Eisteddfod yr Urdd, Cardiff
May 30 - Eisteddfod yr Urdd, Cardiff
June 7 - Single release
June 16 - Leamington Peace Festival
June 21 - Catch 22, Anglesey