Ceri Shaw



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The perfect family gift this Christmas...Beyond Storytime

user image 2016-11-13
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Christmas

A beautiful new online collection of audio stories suitable for children from Beyond the Border 

alunthebear.jpg £11.95 for one year's subscription

We're really excited to announce Beyond Storytime - a way of providing families everywhere with beautifully told stories in their own homes.  It is a small taste of the children’s part of our wonderful festival, available all the time, wherever in the world you live.

This online collection has nearly 20 audio stories told for English speakers and carefully chosen for us by our entertaining storytellers, to be suitable for children.  More stories will be added later so Beyond Storytime becomes a collection of treasured tales that grows and grows.  There is a handful of stories in Welsh as well.

For just £11.95 (less than £1 a month) you can subscribe to the service for a whole year.  Find out more, listen to some extracts, subscribe to the site for yourself or buy a gift subscription by visiting www.beyondstorytime.com .