Ceri Shaw



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Welsh Poacher On The Run In Ohio!!

user image 2016-10-29
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Genealogy


Was William Richards (on the run in Ohio after shooting a gamekeeper in Cardiganshire) inspired to don female attire by the Rebecca Rioters? Are his descendants still alive in Ohio today?

In a fascinating blog post author and AmeriCymru member Chris Saunders tells the story of Will Cefn-Coch, a poacher from Cardiganshire who shot and killed a gamekeeper during a pursuit in 1868. After the 'incident' he wore women's clothing to elude his pursuers and escaped to Ohio where he married an Irish woman and settled down. Did he live happily ever after?

Read Chris Saunders post (linked below) for more info.

W hen people think of Welsh folk heroes, Twm Sion Cati and Owain Glyndwr invariably spring to mind, and rightly so. Not many people mention Will Cefn-Coch. In fact, I’d never heard of him myself until I recently read a book about Welsh murders. But his story is deserving of a much wider audience.

Until November 1868, plain old William Richards was an ordinary 28-year old bloke living a simple life in Cardiganshire. Times were hard in those days. There was a glaring gap between rich and poor, and lots of countryside folk took to poaching to feed their families. There simply wasn’t enough to eat, especially in winter. Although still technically a crime, most people considered sneaking onto privately-owned land to fish or hunt game a necessary evil. Except the rich landowners, obviously, who employed gamekeepers to combat the problem. These guys were not looked upon with much fondness by the locals, in much the same way I imagine Community Support Officers are these days.