Ceri Shaw



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A Message From The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Good News!! David Wright House Saved.

user image 2012-12-20
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: about
Good News - The David Wright House is Saved!

Many people are celebrating at this time of year and we have one more reason to celebrate. The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy has facilitated the purchase of the David and Gladys Wright House in Phoenix, Arizona, through an LLC owned by an anonymous benefactor. The transaction closed on December 20 for an undisclosed price. The property will be transferred to an Arizona not-for-profit organization responsible for the restoration, maintenance and operation of the David Wright House. The change in ownership guarantees that the house will survive and be preserved. LEARN MORE .We expect city Landmark designation to follow shortly but there is no longer a demolition threat. We will also pursue long-term protections for the house.


Thank you for signing the petition and being part of this success! It was very important to demonstrate that so many people around the world cared about this house and took the time to voice their concerns.

As plans progress for the David Wright House there will be opportunities to contribute to its restoration. Details will be posted on the Conservancy website as they become available.

If you want to be a part of protecting other Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings in the future we invite you to join the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy!

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12/20/12 10:01:16PM @gaabi:

Yay! So awesome to everybody who signed the petition and backed this up! What a sad loss it would have been to demolish that and now it's not going to happen and thank you,everyone, who helped make this happen!

Ceri Shaw
12/20/12 09:44:13PM @ceri-shaw:

A thousand diolchs to all our readers who took the time to sign the petition and donate.