Ceri Shaw



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Day 23: My Half Marathon Blog - The Spoon!

user image 2012-04-22
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


Not much news on the running front today. I spent the day in a delightful small town called Corvallis, just off I-5 half way between Portland and Eugene. When I discovered that I was going there I naturally checked to see if they had a marathon or half-marathon. And they do....or rather they did. The run was held on April 15th and you can find out more at the link below:-

2012 Corvallis Half Marathon

It looks like a great course but I'm glad I didn't register for that one as I wouldn't have been anywhere near ready. Indeed I seem to have hit something of a 'plateau' very early in my training schedule. This is doubtless attributable to the fact that I have not yet completely quit smoking. BUT I hope to make some dramatic announcements next week. Gaabriel has sportingly offered to chain me to a wall in the cellar to help get me over the last lingering nicotine cravings. Sounds like a reasonable plan

Meanwhile the big news of the day is the first draft of the 2012 Portland Lovespoon. Here it is:-

I'm sure all our readers will want to join me in thanking Dave, Laura , Jen and Chris for their contributions to the spoon so far and I for one can't wait to see how the design develops over the coming weeks. How does this relate to running you may ask?

Well as I mentioned in an earlier post we plan to launch a Kickstart appeal ( on Tuesday ) for sponsorship of my half marathon effort. One of the prizes will be tickets for the Lovespoon draw. So....please sponsor for a chance to win this superb and unique work of art


Personal Sponsorship

$1/mile e-copies of Gaynor Madoc Leonard stories
$2/mile tickets for Dave Western Portland Lovespoon 2012
$3/mile level both of the above
$4/mile all above plus signed event poster

Website/Commercial or Community Sponsorship

$5/mile spot ad on event pages
$10/mile free admission to event and larger ad on event pages


Gaynor Madoc Leonard
04/22/12 11:18:23PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

By all means, walk as much as you need to but please have a medical check before you do the race. It doesn't matter how long you take to get round, remember!

Ceri Shaw
04/22/12 06:15:13PM @ceri-shaw:

1) Read the post mun!!!

"With this part finished, I am going to send the design down to Laura Jenkins Gorun to see what kind of wonderful magic she can add to the overall idea. We've discussed a couple of ideas already and Laura is ready to try a couple of design themes out. So next week, we should have a better idea of how the entire handle and bowl arrangement is going to play out."

2. What I have to do is finish the course.... and I will! Most of it ( hopefully all ) should be running. BUT if I have to walk for a bit somewhere along the line so be it.

3 An interesting question

Baarbaara Sheep
04/22/12 03:46:42PM @baarbaara-sheep:

I will sponsor you $1/mile....baaaa

I think you are very brave, well done...ewe.

Baarbaara Sheep
04/22/12 03:43:01PM @baarbaara-sheep:

I gave up 3 months ago now, but I used tablets "Champix" off the Doctor, have worked for many of my friends and family,I was quite shocked by the ease of which your cravings go away.

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
04/22/12 08:58:57AM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

A couple of friends did the Allen Carr method - allencarr.com. It was very effective. I can see the attraction of the pain-aversion therapy (for Gaabi!).

04/22/12 07:01:06AM @gaabi:

I thought I'd try some pain-aversion therapy: I'll offer him a cigarette and, when he reaches for it, swat him smartly across the soles of his feet with a rubber hose.