Day 16: My Half Marathon Blog - Running is Funny?
Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog
Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church
For details of how to sponsor see this post
Well it's Day 16 already and this blog is still going strong. I must admit though that it is sometimes difficult to think of a fresh topic for each days post so I decided to take a look at other running blogs to see what is out there.
There is certainly no shortage. One of the first sites that caught my eye was this one:- Top 50 Running Blogs It is, as you might have deduced from the title, a list of the Top 50 Running Blogs as ranked by Google, Alexa etc. I don't think I will be submitting my own feeble effort for inclusion in this list BUT it is certainly an interesting and voluminous repository of information and ideas for anyone with an interest in running and/or writing about running.
After a brief perusal of one or two of the blogs on the list I was fascinated ( and relieved ) to learn that there is much more to write about running than one might first have thought. Certainly I have come across a few medical conditions that are new to me, for example:- Iliotibial Band Syndrome which features in this post from Runblogger - Running Shoes and Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS): One Runners Story
But I guess if you're going to run the main thing is to enjoy it, a sentiment which I'm sure would be endorsed by the Fishtown Beer Runners whose mission statement ( see linked blog ) is to :-
"....combine responsible running with responsible drinking in the interest of science. We gather once a week to run three to five miles, and conclude each run at a pub for a beer or two."
And lest anyone thinks that running is strictly the preserve of grim faced fanatical 'fittists' here is a whole blog devoted to the notion that Running is Funny
I'll be back with a full report on my own painful and glacial progress tomorrow but meanwhile check out the links at Running is Funny....I'm sure you'll find something to chuckle at
There've been a couple of articles in the Telegraph's Lifecoach section recently on training for the London Marathon which might help. In one, the man who "invented" Intelligent Running ( ) gives advice. In today's Sunday Telegraph Lifecoach section, they talk about the final week before the race and what you should eat and when.
With Intelligent Running it is apparently not necessary to train every day.
I will amend my training schedule accordingly. For 1300 dollars I've gotta master that guys technique
You know, of all the hobbies for which I've taken magazines, I think running was the most consistently interesting. And that includes dogs! Hope you're having fun.