Americana Gold Interview
It’s a blast from the past with an interview from the now non-operational Tin Shed in Laugharne. It was a wonderful venue for local, national and international music performers that has sadly now closed.
Three Welsh musicians from Swansea have always loved the sound of the West Coast of America and although the three professional musicians play in other bands there’s nothing more than they enjoy but to bring the songs of California to the people of South Wales.
Lorraine King, Peter King and Terry Thomas create a three-part harmony and a range of guitar skills that emanate the laid-back feel of the songs that they have grown up with.
In the interview with local music journalist, radio personality and music guru, Malcolm Cawley aka BB Skone, they talk about their passion for music.
Happy Thanksgiving!
“ Alright Mun!” said the young lawyer.
“ Keep your hair on will you!”
It was somewhat ironic really, as Welsh Barrister Leo Felix was only 23 but his fair hair was already receding more than a Norfolk beach at High tide.
“What are you doing in there… you nonce?” shouted an angry commuter, as he repeated banged on the lower half of the train WC cubicle door.
He thought about warning the angry man that what he had just said in front of his fellow passengers was actionable as a slander, but sight unseen he suspected that the individual wouldn’t have cared less nor had the wherewithal to fund defamation damages in the High Court of Justice.
The Virgin train from Cardiff Central to Paddington was packed to the rafters with passengers heading to London for work on a busy December Monday morning and the extra load of women and excited children heading to see Santa Claus and for Christmas shopping meant it resembled the ‘Sardine Express’ rather than the Polar one.
Leo didn’t normally use public toilets but on this occasion would have missed the train, if he had used the ones located on the platform.
Boy did he regret his usual practice of standing up urinating and racing the flush to see would finish first.
Mainly because he had bent down to tie his shoelace and his expensive mobile phone had shot out of his top shirt pocket into the toilet pan and surfed its way around the u-bend before he could do anything about it.
His efforts to retrieve the same with his slender arms had not returned anything that even remotely resembled a mobile phone.
The Virgin Train Japanese- style talking toilet was angry too at the new deposit and kept suggesting he see his Bowel Doctor immediately.
The banging of the Neanderthal on the door intensified into punches.
Leo wondered if it was a Cockney Mike Tyson outside.
He knew he would have to leave the cubicle with some dignity after the slur but also knew from playground experience that he was most certainly not a boxer.
He needed that phone as his life was on it.
Like most modern- day young professionals -his life depended on it.
He had his diary on it, banked on it, checked the weather forecast, train times and of course the news headlines. He even made phone-calls on it too.
How would he live without it?
That was the purpose God Almighty had made humans with opposable thumbs for.
He knew he would have to face the music and leave the cubicle.
As he slid back the metal door lock, he was surprised to find that his abuser wasn’t a six- foot six builder with muscles on his muscles- but a four foot two dwarf.
Leo was used to looking down the nose at most people but on this occasion he really felt empowered.
“Sorry….I hope you weren’t caught ‘short’ by my time in there, but I accidentally flushed my mobile down the lavatory….perhaps given your size you might like to swim around the u-bend and get it back for me?” said the Barrister.
It was the last thing he remembered before the searing pain caused by the dwarf headbutting him in the bollocks.
Leo staggered to his seat.
Not only had he lost his mobile phone, but also his dignity and very likely his ability to reproduce children.
“Don’t worry luv!” whispered a kind old Welsh lady sat opposite him.
“That little fella is a professional wrestler called ‘Lowdown’ and that was his speciality move
Rubbing his aching testicles, he knew that his ‘Game of Thrones’ had not been engineered to hog the toilet- it was just circumstances.
“Tickets please!” announced the conductor.
Leo reached for his phone but it wasn’t there.
His season train ticket barcode was on his phone.
Try explaining that to an angry 40- year old Virgin.
“Where does the toilet flush too?” asked Leo.
“Does it go into a sealed unit?” asked the barrister hopefully.
“No- was the train stationary when you went?” Asked the conductor.
“Yes!” said the mobile-less passenger.
“A little jerk caused the loss!” said Leo looking revengefully at Lowdown.
“Since leaving the European Union in January 2020- there are no longer any environmental control, so the waste gets distributed directly onto the track!” said the rail employee as if reading directly from a Company propaganda edict.
“Didn’t your Mother ever tell you not to go to the toilet when the train is in the Station?” he continued.
Leo knew then that he was in trouble.
What if someone found the phone, cracked the Personal Identification Number and found out all his personal information?
But then again it would take some kind of a genius to crack into his phone.
He had client’s data on there, sensitive information for work as well that could be used for evil purposes if it fell into the wrong hands.
His sharp mind was already working overtime and the worst part was he couldn’t even bill a client for it.
As he came to terms with his electronic loss, it felt like a family bereavement had hit him.
He had withdrawal symptoms as he went cold turkey.
He felt insanely jealous that the other passengers were all looking at their mobile phones.
The carriage was silent with no chatter, as the modern generation displayed their social inability.
Even the Welsh Pensioner was doing a sudoku.
It was as everyone present wanted to be somewhere else.
Leo had no other option but to look out of the window and was surprised to see the late Autumnal colours changing into Winter, as the last remaining deciduous trees shed their coats and froze like the rest of mankind in the former United Kingdom.
He was entranced with the beauty of the English Countryside, something he had never before appreciated with his face down squinting at his mobile screen.
There were so many different colours and hues, flashing past, ranging from yellow to brown to red.
Mother Nature’s palette really was a sight to behold.
And the strange part of it was it was only he that was interested in the beautiful scene.
As the train flew through Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, and Berkshire, Leo felt a pang of home sickness leaving behind his Home Country to work all weekend in the Smoke with its overpopulation, pollution and 24-hour noise.
If New York was the City that never sleeps then its insomnia problem had been exported across the Pond and Post-Brexit was affecting the British too with its’ capitalist disease.
When America sneezes Britain catches a cold.
Now they had just had a massive Trump and the shit fallout was everywhere.
Each City looked just like a carbon copy of the next with KFC and McDonald’s on every street corner of the concrete jungles.
Food standards had dropped since the exit from the European Union and it was now difficult to work out whether it was the pollution, the chlorinated chicken or the increased permissible quota of rat hairs in the kebabs that were making people ill.
The more profitable parts of the NHS had been sold off to giant American pharmaceutical companies who now had a monopoly on legal drugs.
Great Britain had become Little Britain with zero-hours contracts the norm and a return to the Great Depression days of the 1930’s, where 200 hundred men would turn up at the gates of the London Docks in the hope of work, where only 20 were needed.
The divide between rich and poor in society had widened to those of Victorian times, with great stretches of former Labour areas now a forgotten wasteland.
Leo, ironically, on the other hand had never known real hunger but was about to get a ‘taste’ of it.
As he disembarked from the train at Paddington station, he usually bought a Marmalade sandwich from the theme shop at Mr Brown’s.
But he didn’t have his credit card.
To his horror, he remembered it was tucked in the front flap of his mobile cover which was still languishing on a rail track somewhere between Cardiff and Monmouthshire.
He stared at the sandwiches in the window, felling hungry from his long journey but unable to buy one.
It wasn’t from lack of money, he just didn’t have the means of payment.
He read the sign above the counter which said ‘Cash Only- No credit- a refusal often offends’.
Most businesses in the Smoke preferred cash as it could be hidden under the bed, as it was only the black-market economy that kept them solvent, as the rest of Britain owed more to the financial institutions than ever following the downgrading of our International credit rating in 2020.
Leo thought of his home town of Merthyr Tydfil, which had more barbers per head than Seville in Spain but strangely all kept going. He knew people in Merthyr were hairy but not THAT hairy.
It must be the black mullet economy at work.
The smell of roast chestnuts in a brazier tantalised him as he walked towards the guard on the turnstile checking for tickets.
He knew that he would trouble with his thick Welsh Valleys accent explaining why he didn’t have a ticket.
No-one in London had any time for that sort of thing.
He knew from past observation that the people would run up moving escalators and just like laboratory rats within ten minutes he would be absorbed by their unceasing rush to get somewhere else.
He tried explaining it to the guard, who was busy enjoying his power trip, raising an eyebrow or two before letting him through with a satisfactory smile, in the tacit knowledge that Leo had now missed his tube connection to Oxford Street Station.
As he waited for a further ten minutes on the subterranean platform, he felt that scary feeling of a cold wind being forced down the tunnel by the movement of the train.
It was then the usual free-for- all as people pushed and shoved to get onto the crowded tube before the electronic guard-less doors shut on people, taking shopping bags, fingers, hands and small children away from the lucky occupants who had made the interior of the carriage.
He knew he would be late getting home as the trains from Wales were rarely on time.
Thankfully, he had used his day off in lieu – sometimes it paid to be self-employed when it came to time off.
He knew in the crazy World of London that he was just another number and in reality, few people would miss him.
As Leo was something of a workaholic, he rarely took time off as he was trying to build up his client base- and he knew that there were few people who would care, if he was ever pushed under a Boris bendy Bus or a tube train- besides his elderly Mother and Father and of course his live-in lover for the past year- Kitty.
He knew that she worried about constantly and would be having kittens, if he didn’t turn up when expected.
Kitty rarely went out due to her agoraphobia and the sound of his key in the apartment door was always greeted with much enthusiasm.
For now, he couldn’t move a muscle, he felt a touch of the condition in that as he was trapped in a small metal train hurtling at 40 mph through heavily graffitied Victorian tunnels with the smell of stale piss and body odour all too evident to his senses.
Everyone around him like a kaleidoscope of colours and a melting pot of cultures and nations.
The majority seemed to have ‘earbuds’ and be listening to grime music or Adele or Ed Sheeran.
They were all so insular, afraid to look each other in the eye or smile.
Leo now minus his I-phone could just like 1970’s reggae artist Johnny Nash see clearly now.
What a society he lived in.
He was still suffering from his technology withdrawal syndrome when he spoke to the woman next to him.
“Good afternoon….!”
He didn’t manage to finish his sentence before he was sprayed in the face with Mace.
The young woman had jumped a mile.
What sort of person speaks to someone on the Tube?
A scuffle broke out and once again Leo was the subject of an assault.
He had also lost his expensive watch in the kerfuffle.
But which one of these people had taken it.
He was always good at Cluedo as a young lad, but up here the colours were not Scarlett, Peacock, Mustard, Plum or Green.
It had not been a good journey home to the English capital- as he was now down a mobile phone, a watch, had bruised knackers and been sprayed in the face with pepper spray.
As he exited the tube-station he had to spend another ten minutes arguing with the guard before being let through towards actual daylight.
It was called actual daylight, but in reality, the limited light from the late Autumnal sun was so high above the skyscrapers and high-rise blocks, it was barely visible over the highly polluted trapped smog of car fumes in the English Capital.
Leo had always wondered why London was nicknamed the Smoke- now he had his answer.
Now minus his mobile, he had a clearer picture of the Earth that the parasite known as Mankind was busily destroying.
He had no money to hail a cab, so he had no other option than to walk the rest of the way home, dodging people walking with mobile phones like crosses in front of them, which is easier said than done on busy London streets that even Verve Singer Richard Ashcroft would find hard to negotiate.
With new eyes, he witnessed people too engrossed with their cyber life to care about oncoming traffic, as they stepped out both individually and on mass at crossings with red lights causing London Hackney drivers to swear in Cockney Rhyming slang at the careless pedestrians.
Cries of ‘Jeremy Hunt’ and ‘Mike Catt’ were everywhere.
Leo couldn’t believe that the new species of human was hypnotised into staring at their mobile screens rather than participating in the REAL World.
What was becoming of our society, where the origin of the species and evolution of humankind had led to this advanced state of electronic paralysis.
True- Mother Nature’s only trump card- the survival of the fittest had meant that lots of these idiots had now been run over and with NHS waiting times fortunately had not survived.
He was now only a block away and thought he would as usual stop at the local chip shop to take home a fish supper for his nearest and dearest.
Regrettably, once again, he patted his top pocket and realised he had no means of payment.
He was starving and he bet his Missus was too, after a weekend stuck in that flat.
As he reached the entrance door, he noticed the sign said ‘Lift out of Order’.
He knew it hadn’t been his day, but to have to climb fourteen separate flights of stairs with added fire- retarded cladding, meant he had lost two stone in perspiration by the reached his apartment door.
Thank goodness it was nearly Winter.
London’s burning alright he thought, as he fumbled for his key.
As he opened the door, he noticed that his love was in the kitchen but he had more pressing matters.
His landline was ringing.
Strange he thought, as very few people had his number as it was ex-directory.
It must be his Mother ringing to remind him that he had once again left the ready meals she had made him on the kitchen table.
He really loved his Mam’s Welsh cooking too.
As he closed then deadlocked the door, he raced to the phone and answered it hesitantly.
It was NOT Lionel Ritchie.
“Is this London 01 378695?”
Perhaps thought Leo some honest person has found his phone.
His mind raced and in a split second he realised that whoever was phoning must have gained access his phone and potentially could see what embarrassing pictures he held in his phone gallery.
The one of him with his arm around Prince Andrew in the Woking Pizza Express.
The one of him shaking hands with Wiki-leeks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy.
A photograph of him welcoming Donald Trump to Britain at his golf course in Scotland.
Surely no-one could have broken into his phone this quickly?
He thought then of Hollywood actress, Jennifer Lawrence and the hacked naked photographs from her I-cloud account which now all over the internet.
“Yes!” stuttered the barrister for once lost for words
It was not the voice of a genius but a ten- year old Gurnos schoolkid, called Mitch Daley.
“This must be the cat shagger then?”
AmeriCymru: You’re hosting an interactive, online Christmas Party from Snowdonia, what’s that going to be like?
Sera: Above all else it's going to be fun. Fun for us and for people watching. It's unscripted and it's live, and it's a completely new venture for us - so it's also going to be a little scary (for us!) But the whole point is to try something new and see what happens. It will mostly be about music; lots of live music, videos, spoken word and chat. And one of the most important elements is that we want people at home to get involved by interacting via the live chat on the channel - people can comment, ask questions and send in content. It's also going to be bilingual, so music in Welsh and English and interviews with guests. As far as what we'd compare it to, then it's the Jools Holland show meets Wayne's World! On a budget.
AmeriCymru: Can you tell us about any of the performers yet?
Sera: We've announced Eve Goodman (acoustic/folk) The Stash (indie band) and Martin Daws (spoken word) so far, via these videos, which were a lot of fun to make:
Eve Goodman
Martin Daws
The Stash [Censored Vesion]
The performers will all be North Wales based and from different genres. We'll be revealing some more acts over the next few days in the run up to the show on Wednesday! It will be presented by me (Sera) Llyr Jones (from band Pasta Hull) and Anna Lloyd (on the live chat on youtube)We're all performers too, but will probably stick to presenting on the night!
AmeriCymru: Have you done this event before and will you be continuing it or something like it in the future?
Sera: This is a real first for all of us who are involved! It's very scary going 'live' when you're trying a new idea. We have another one scheduled for February, so we hope to build from the first one and see what works and doesn't work and welcome people wanting to get involved. We were fortunate to receive financial help from from Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig and CEG for this pilot and to get the idea off the ground. We really want to keep it going but will need help in doing so. We need people to watch and support us in the venture. It's so important to us to share the local arts scene here with the rest of the world. It's such a special place here in Snowdonia and there is a thriving creative scene. This is the wonder of technology and a way in which it can be used to connect communities.
AmeriCymru: What is CEG records and the Astralship?
Sera: CEG Records is the label arm of 'CEG' which is a non-profit we started up a few years ago - CEG, which is Welsh for 'mouth' is an abbreviation of 'Cerddoriaeth Eryri a'r Gogledd ' (The music of Snowdonia and North Wales) - the aim was to represent and to find and create avenues for local music, by doing things like hosting stages as events and festivals to running community projects. You can have a look at the CEG Records roster here: The Astralship is a collective of artists and engineers that are developing models for new kinds of community and innovation hubs in arts and technology. So CEG and Atralship working together on this project made a lot of sense. We're trialing something new and exciting here.
AmeriCymru: Where can people find out more about you, the event, and the artists and other people involved in making it happen?
The Facebook event page:
And most importantly where you can watch CEG TV:
My wife and I were privileged to see Texan Grammy Winner Singer/Singerwriter Christopher Cross at the Bath Forum.
For us oldies it was such a pleasure to listen to real music with proper lyrics.
And also to get an early Christmas present ( from the Wife) from my favourite US Artist.
Keeping the special relationship between the New World and the Old, and Wales and America being fostered by Americymru.
Seasons Greetings from the Welsh Valleys.
Phil ‘Boz’ Evans
The amnesia of politicians
the mule refusal to learn from the past
the expensive studied ignorance
leads to the bonfire of billionaires
and reparations for the original Americans
and those of us driven from
our lands for any reason
and all the silver gold coal
wildlife wages spaces and hope
they made us help them
steal from us in ongoing plunder
featuring in blockbuster movies
for which we receive no royalties
and this despite the proliferation
of information
or perhaps because of it
the overload of data required
to thrive or even survive nowadays
I drive in the low hills of autumn
in their twilight coat of russet and orange peel
the low hills of this time of my life
until bird droppings in the shape
of a salamander on the car’s window
change the view
I chose a path
but don't remember which one
Welsh Singer Songwriter 'Courteous Thief' to release beautiful new single 'Mountains And Sea'
By Ceri Shaw, 2019-12-04
Courteous Thief returns with the mezmerising new single 'Mountians And Sea', a refreshingly beautiful indie-folk balled that will serve as a go-to alternative to the 'Christmas song'. 'Mountians And Sea' will be released via CEG Records on Friday 6th December 2019.
Described as both contemporary new folk and acoustic indie pop, Courteous Thief (aka Gary Roberts) has been a regular on the live circuit, supporting bands and artists such as Turin Brakes, Chris Helm, Catfish And The Bottlemen, Mark Morris (The Bluetones) and Tom Hingley (Inspiral Carpets) as well as festival appearances with performances at some of the UK's top venues and festivals.
Accolades from past singles and releases has seen Courteous Thief being championed By BBC Radio Wales, achieving the coveted BBC Radio Wales Single Of The Week, BBC live sessions, interviews as well as hitting the airwaves on BBC 6 Music, BBC Introducing, BBC Gloucestershire and recently hitting the British Airways Playlist.
2019 will see new release “A Bed For Me” released in June on welsh label “CEG Records, with more live dates and new tracks on the horizon for late 2019 and beyond. “Melodiously mesmerizing, harmoniously vibrant and warmly atmospheric folk-pop finery” (Nessi Hault, Carpe Carmina)
Courteous Thief Online:
Here she is once again, ‘Aunty Mags Part Three – The Eagle Inn’ with a collection of stories related to the family pub in Priory Street, Carmarthen.
It’s a little bit different in this video as Mags talks of the involvement of the American forces in Carmarthen who frequented the pub and gives an insight into town life during the Second World War.
Her stories are supplemented with text from the 2nd Bn 112th Infantry History from October 1943, and also Our Kind of Town, by Jim Condon.
The little red van pulled up in the tiny picture postcard village of Pontsticill, Merthyr Tydfil and a distinguished elderly gentleman slowly clambered out.
He was clad in a red all-weather coat with yellow flashing, so he could be seen easily in the low light of the Brecon Beacons National Park.
His much younger work colleague kindly unloaded his zimmer- frame and post satchel from the back of the red van, and waved cheerily to him as he pulled back off onto the main road through the rural village.
It was 6.00 am on Saturday Morning and in the eerie half- light of late October, the elderly man had already been up two hours before arriving at the sorting office for 5.00am.
Postman Arthur Rittik was 74 years and 363 days old and it was to be his last ever shift.
He had wanted to retire at 65 but successive Conservative Governments had consecutively upped the State Pension retirement age, forcing him to work on beyond his usefulness to his employer.
According to the Department of Work & Pensions, acting on instruction from Ian Duncan Smith, work was compulsory for all until 75 years of age, as unfortunately some of the lower classes were now living too long.
Under its new slogan of ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’.
Somebody had to pay for the poor deal negotiated over Brexit in 2019 and clearly that should not be the millionaires who could afford it, or those persons who had money hidden away in Hedge Funds and Tax Havens pretending to be Great Britons.
It should be the Proletariat.
After all they WERE the democratic ones suckered into voting for Brexit over the fear of mass immigration.
They were now the ones who could no longer afford cheap Thomas Cook flights to Benidorm or Marmaris to use their shiny new blue passports, after the Pound had been devalued below the level of the Euro and Turkish Lira.
Their feral children couldn’t even go and work in the bars of these places any more, as they couldn’t get Work Permits or Visas from the European Union Member States.
They now had to stay at home in a divided Britain with reduced worker’s rights and zero hours contracts to boot, whilst their REAL bosses- the Merchant Bankers & Venture Capitalists- drank champagne and eat oysters and caviar and retired wealthy, after dipping ‘Maxwell- style’ into the pension pot of their workers who had made them rich in the first place.
Poor Arthur Rittik’s only crime was to be born poor in Britain in 2019.
His family had fled Bucharest in Romania in 1939, with some foresight, fearing with just cause what the rise in Fascism would bring to their Mother Country.
His parents had moved to Wales and Merthyr Tydfil in particular at the time, as it was the second least expensive place to buy a house, after the village of Sellafield in Cumbria.
Despite its ‘glowing reputation’ they had chosen Merthyr over the Lake District.
His Father before him had worked on the post, mainly because he couldn’t speak English but also because he didn’t have any professional qualifications that were recognised in this Country.
Somewhat ironically however, his Dad still ended up with lots of letters after his name.
He always held a grudge against rich people ever since.
His Dad remembered the good old days of delivering telegrams to family members of the rich people that had been on the Titanic and telling them that their last words in the bar was requesting more ‘ice’ for their whiskey & tonic.
Fortunately, as he spoke in Romanian nobody could understood a word that he said.
He did have one advantage though, as he was a user of the Cyrillic Alphabet, he could easily identify where a poorly handwritten letter needed to be delivered.
Doctor’s letters were his speciality.
When Arthur took over his round, after he had retired through ill-health, he too found he had a unique way of dealing with illegible writing.
He would simply post them back to the Central Post Office.
Arthur Rittik noticed that he had developed the same occupational illnesses that his Father had from the cold, damp conditions of the South Wales Valleys.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, no knee cartilage, a crooked back from the weight of the letters and lots of sharp paper cuts.
In the Bleak Mid-Winter, there were often times when he couldn’t feel the tips of his fingers or the toes on his feet- but he always made sure that just like the ‘Pony Express’- his post always got through.
How times had changed.
Now his profession was regarded with some ambivalence, being sneered at as ‘snail mail’ by the Katy Perry generation and where once the sound of the letterbox would bring joy to the householder children waiting for birthday cards or examination results, now it was met with disdain for junk mail adverts for kebab shops, pizza huts or OAP scams sent by Canadian Conmen that the occupier had won £100,000.00- asking the Local Government supplied list of unwitting elderly victims for their bank account details so the prize could be paid out.
Now he was made semi-redundant by e-mail or telephone mobile text message.
But what the young generation would find out in a few years that their use of electric and fossil fuel that powered their electronic devices was damaging Mother Earth and sending unknown radio waves through the population causing hitherto unknown cancers from electric forcefields.
His way was far more eco-friendly and he had a letter from Swedish schoolkid Greta Thunberg to prove it.
Whereas once he was considered a pillar of a rural Community, now he was largely anonymous.
Back in the day, he had lost count of how many schoolchildren had asked him if his name was Pat or if he had a black and white cat called Jess back home in Greendale.
Now schoolchildren were more likely to threaten him with a flick-knife or call him a Paedo, or ask him why he still wanted to live till 75 years of age?
Children had changed for the worst, mirroring the ‘I’m alright Jack -pull up the ladder ‘Little Britain’ Society Arthur now lived in.
Working class children were also bitter, as Brexit had robbed them of their ability to live and work anywhere in Europe and the divide between the rich and poor had widened to such an extreme that certain areas had become ghettos and other areas- walled communities.
Even Pontsticill had changed, with the continuation of benefit cuts and the resulting crime wave had led to lots of rural burglaries, so that most properties had close circuit television cameras aligned to their doorbell to check for uninvited guests.
The last great fun of doing his job had been taken away from postmen.
They could no longer pretend to ring the doorbell and leave an annoying note with ‘Please collect your parcel from the Delivery Office by 5.30pm’.
As most rural working customers couldn’t get there during normal working hours, they would have to take-up their Saturday Morning to fight through the congested traffic schemes only to discover with some dismay that the mystery parcel actually contained a copy of the Readers Digest.
Back in the day, Arthur was young and fit, he could manage to deliver his post to the entire village and in the process leapt more fences on his round than Grand National Winner ‘Red Rum’, but now with his limited movement, he could only manage one single estate in a day and usually fell at the first fence.
Today, it was Castell Morlais with only 24 houses- all with an open expansive view of the former Norman Morlais Castle and the high former limestone quarries that were once favoured by the English Ironmasters that ruled the Town in a grip of fear.
The rape of the fair country had left behind many industrial scars but the landscape was still as stunning as it ever was – a silent witness back to the times when Arthur of the Britons had first roamed the Celtic Motherland.
It was breath-taking.
Now a different Arthur of the Britain’s stood looking at the Welsh Upland mountainside but at 74 years and still working it was also breath-taking to him.
In fact, the remainder of his breath was briefly visible in the half-light, as its moisture went off to add to the frost on the red tiled roofs of the houses.
Lots had changed in the village, as rich Englishmen from the Smoke could now afford to buy a mansion in Wales from the net proceeds of sale of a one-bedroom flat in London and still have change left over.
The price disparity was all there to see.
The new Ironmasters had arrived.
Many houses were now empty and used as holiday homes on AirBNB, with local wages preventing many Welsh people being able to afford to buy, leading to a rise in Welsh Nationalism and threats of ‘Meibion Glyndwr’ resurfacing in the Principality.
The promised ‘melting pot’ of races had not materialised and increasingly Welsh-born children no longer felt a welcome in the Hillsides.
Arthur looked up at number 24 Castell Morlais and could see a newly installed flagpole with the flag of St George proudly flying over the garden.
I bet that was popular with the few remaining old Welsh neighbours thought Arthur.
As he trudged his way on his zimmer up the uneven pathway of number 1, he tried desperately not to fall over- as he knew that if he turned turtle , he would have one foot in the grave, as people in our broken society already stepped over homeless people in sleeping bags- seeing them as an inconvenience rather than a consequence of the failure of a Government to find work and shelter for their population.
As he reached the letterbox, he carefully selected the right mail for the Property- as he was suffering from early onset vascular dementia- it proved quite a task.
At one time, this round was even harder and more confusing, as most people on this estate were called Jones, Williams, Evans or Thomas.
Now it was Smythe, Blenkinsop or Farquar.
Very few now spoke the Mother tongue and even fewer tuned into S4C.
One survey once established that no-one at all had tuned in to watch several of the Welsh Language Programmes.
But they were still running.
With his first delivery over, Arthur did a U-turn with his frame and made his way back up the shiny pathway.
Back in his youth, he loved the sight of crisp fresh snow- now he feared its very appearance as one slip could mean a broken hip or foot and could be fatal to an elderly postman no longer fit for purpose.
He also worried about how he was going to manage on his meagre state pension after he retired.
After all he wouldn’t even get a free BBC Television licence anymore from his Aunty Beeb.
But I suppose there was always S4C even if he didn’t understand a word of it.
Whatever happened to the Great British Empire and the promised ‘trickle-down effect’? he thought.
The Post Office wasn’t even owned by Britain anymore.
After 360 years of history, the institution was now owned by its shareholders with the resulting effect that the cost of a first-class stamp was now beyond most people.
With inflation, the cost of having a miniature profile of the Regent of England on the top left- hand corner of your envelope had risen to £1.50.
Opinion at the Post Office was divided, as to whether the cost increase or the Earl Grey- stained teeth of Queen Camilla had been most off-putting to the general public.
Either way the number of letters being posted had dramatically reduced.
Which was both a blessing and a curse to poor Arthur- as he feared that some latter-day ‘Robber Maxwell’ might now plunder HIS pension fund, especially as it was paid via a Private Company.
Thirty minutes had now elapsed since he had been first dropped off and he had only managed to deliver post to two houses.
But Arthur was resilient, he was determined to finish his ‘Royal’ paper round and not let down his customers.
Despite being not having originally born in this Country (just like the Windrush Generation) he still considered Great Britain to be his home, and in particular considered himself to be Welsh.
This was based on who he supported in the England v Wales Rugby Match.
As he headed for the third letterbox, he knew he would have to be wary.
There was a sign up ‘Beware of the Dog’.
He hated going into long gardens where the home-loving canine suddenly turned into the Israeli Defence Force and attacked him with those sharp teeth.
Arthur had been bitten so many times over his time with the Post Office he was immune to the tetanus jab itself.
He once did an entire round with a corgi attached to his front of steel toe cap boots by its teeth.
If he had a pound for every time a homeowner had told him –“He won’t hurt you love!”- he could have afforded to retire.
His stock answer was always:-
“ He’s not going to hurt ME love ….but you will be the one that has to climb up the roof of the extension to get him back!”
Many a customer complaint had been lodged on his personnel file for this reply.
So much so Head Office wanted to know if for Health & Safety reasons he wanted to be CORGI registered.
The Fire Station Commander had also complained about his antics in the past but now with a zimmer-frame for protection Arthur was much less belligerent.
However, Arthur’s talent was not limited to pushing paper through holes in doors or converting pets rugby style over garden walls, he had modified the frame just like Q had done for aging actor Sean Connery in ‘Never Say Never Again’, so that at a touch of a button , three six inch stiletto blades would shoot out of the assisted walking- frame.
It was ideal when doing the Post Round in the New Gurnos- as on occasion he had to duel with certain residents like he was one of the Three Musketeers over the retention of his postbag.
Vigilant at all times, Arthur made his way towards the front door of number 3, where he heard the distinctive low growl of a canine defender.
A Jack Russell Terrier by the sound of it.
He could tell the breed and size of a dog simply by looking at the scratch-marks on the bottom of the door or the size of the uncollected dog logs in the gardens.
Whenever, he reached a letterbox where a dog would wait at the back of the door to take off his fingers, he would carefully pick up a dog log with the home-owners incoming mail and then feed it through the flap to the waiting canine mouth.
What a joy it was to hear the dog retching at the taste of it’s own shit.
It was even funnier, as some breeds had short memories too.
With poor Fido having to pick up the ‘bill’ from it’s equally savage owner for a utility letter inside the house with dog excrement on it.
Arthur hated all breeds of dogs but especially German Shepherd’s- not just because of their Country of origin, but also as they were big, aggressive and very territorial.
Nowadays, few dogs bothered him, as due to his age, he smelled of imminent death and whilst the odd hungry one would try and take one of his bony fingers- his Bond villain invention- those of his ‘Rosa Klebb’ shoe-spikes attached to his zimmer- frame usually sent the dog yelping away with it’s tail between its legs.
Most homeowners didn’t blame the postman but assumed that the cats in the area had been issued with flick-knives by a Cat Protection Charity.
As he reached house number six, he was stopped at the top of the driveway by a female supermarket delivery driver busy reversing out of the cul-de-sac.
As it was a Morrison Van – her name was Carrie Abagfivepea and naturally had brown eyes.
Even if they were crossed like US comic actor Ben Turpin.
“What’s the postcode for Morlais Close in Castle Park?” asked the South Wales exponent of the ancient Japanese art of Bonkai.
“Are you talking to me?” asked the lady, whose eyes seemed to be concrete proof of the ability of females to multi-task.
“You’re a postman ain’t you?” countered Carrie.
Poor Arthur felt he was being cross examined and didn’t know which eye to look at- East or West.
“What’s that got to do with it?” asked Arthur.
“There’s no bloody mobile phone signal up here for Google Maps!” said the lost driver.
“Googlie-eyed Maps?” replied Arthur.
“Not my generation love….I couldn’t use a mobile to ring….let alone use Facetube!”
Carrie shook her head in disgust and reversed off at high speed, sending milk now passed its sell-by date and stale bread tumbling as she went.
Seeing the alternative ‘Meals on Wheels’ pull away made Arthur hungry indeed.
But the austerity measures of successive Conservative Governments had left him with a choice of Eating or Heating.
Private rental rates kept going up too with inflation but not in keeping with his meagre pay.
He hadn’t a pay rise in five years and he too was finding the cost of food expensive.
He like most people was affected by the new phenomenon of ‘Universal’ Credit ‘shrinkflation’.
His food portions had shrunk in size and cost twice as much to buy.
A Mars Bar was now the size of Mercury but cost the Earth.
Fortunately, as so few people under 80 years of age wanted to eat them, Werthers were still original.
As he carefully unwrapped one with his blue bony fingers, he took comfort in sucking down on the sweet.
Next up, was number 8, a Jewess Widow he had had his eye on for a number of years.
He felt she had a soft spot for him too, as she often came to the door wearing a negligee and stocking and suspenders.
She reminded him of Rose from the Golden Girls on the occasions when she had her teeth in.
He always pretended there was something wrong with the letterbox and so she had to open the door to him.
None of the nine cats that lived with her seemed to object to his arrival either, as they all made a bee-line for the crack in the door whenever he came a calling.
Fortunately for Arthur, his sense of smell had waned over the years, as younger postmen used to recoil at the putrid smell of stale cat faeces and urine that escaped, just like the cats themselves when the door was ajar.
“Oooh good… my Strictly Come Dancing Live tickets have arrived at last!” said Widow Yom Kipper.
Arthur was pleased to make his favourite customer happy- on a ‘Strictly’ professional basis of course.
“Heavy Sack today Arthur?” she asked suggestively.
“Are you any good at dusting?” asked Arthur randomly.
He was of course thinking of the cobwebs around his cock that hadn’t been employed for some years now.
Widow Kipper took this as a slight and promptly closed the door sharply in his face, trapping one of the escaping cat’s tails and turning it into a Manx one.
Arthur, just like most men was puzzled as to what he had said to offend the woman.
He started back up the pathway, clicking the lozenge between tongue and teeth.
Next up was Mrs Quill, she was another widow but much younger and less attractive than the Widow Kipper.
She had spent some time in the USA previously but had left America after her husband had been killed by a bull in a rodeo accident at Calgary.
He had been a Circus Clown and had died in the ring protecting a bucking bronco rider.
The only consolation that Mrs Quill had in the tragedy was that it had taken the undertakers four days to get the smile off the dead man’s face.
Arthur from experience knew that the blue envelope marked Air Mail was likely to be a letter from abroad.
He was however, curious why there was a franking stamp silhouette of a horse drawn buggy with the face of actor Tom Cruise on the driver.
It read Amish-on Impossible.
Just like the Widow Kipper, she too loved to see Arthur’s mail coming through her letterbox.
She was happy to explain to the curious Postman that it was a letter from her friend in Pennsylvania.
His religious Amish community had banned the use of Skype, Mobile Application Facetime or other modern technology.
They believed that of the 4000 Gods that mankind had created since the dawn of time – their one was against technology.
The author of the letter was a pig farmer- making him the ultimate Pen-Pal.
They had corresponded every six months for the last decade, swapping news about pork prices, the effect of new President Donald Trump was having on the swill of the people and of course who was suey-ing whom in the US Court Legal system.
He had told her he was thinking of moving into a different agricultural field- that of chlorinated chicken, as the President had assured him personally that it would be the new big export market.
Most of Trump’s political rivals were talking about impeachment, but he personally didn’t think fruit was the solution.
The pair had developed their own USA/UK ‘special relationship’ since the death of her husband and hoped one day to innocently roll in the hay one day after Harvest Festival or Thanksgiving.
Or perhaps spend the New Year in Scotland once he had saved up enough Hogmanay.
The letter was always perfumed to disguise the smell of the farm.
Arthur bid his farewell and told her that she would soon have a young stallion taking over his round as he was being put out to pasture.
Next up was Mr Stoker at number 10.
He had always disliked Arthur, as he had never forgiven him for delivering a parcel by placing it in his wheelie bin to keep it dry, when he was out.
It would have been fine but unfortunately it happened to be bin day and he didn’t want the embarrassment of asking the local binmen to return his blow-up woman that he had ordered on the internet.
He had tried to convince Arthur that the company ‘Big N Bouncy’ produced inflatable bouncy castles for children’s parties- but as Mr Stoker had no children, spouse or living relatives it didn’t wash with Arthur.
But then again it wasn’t the only thing that didn’t wash.
Mr Stoker himself always appeared at the door in his dirty dressing gown and encrusted striped pyjamas, usually around Noon holding a bowl of cereal.
The Hugh Hefner lookalike had earned the local nickname of ‘Bran Stoker’, as his light was on all night and his habits were extremely regular.
Arthur pushed the overdue electricity bill through with a smug smile.
Fortunately, there was no mail in his bag for some of the houses otherwise, Arthur would have been there ALL day instead of just the entire morning.
He was shattered.
He still had at least four houses left to deliver to and he genuinely feared he would not make his final deliveries.
He had little else to show for his decades of loyal service but the one thing no one could take away from him was the pride in him doing a good job.
It had been drummed into him as a child, that hard work paid dividends.
What a complete lie that had turned out to be.
The only dividends he had ever seen were those he had delivered to the houses of the rich shareholders that had bought into the newly privatised utility companies at undervalued prices.
Successive Governments had sold off the state- owned Gas, Electric, Water and Telephone Services and he personally had not received a single penny from the sales.
He now had to buy gas from SWALEC, Electricity from British Gas, rent a telephone line in all the recent flooding from Welsh Water and water from Whitbread Brewery.
And that was before the Royal Mail had even been privatised.
He couldn’t afford to buy employee shares, as he currently paid more in tax to the UK Government than both Google & Amazon combined.
And the proposed Labour Government was proposing to re-nationalise everything- if they were elected….so the whole process would start again.
He was fed up of being screwed over and over again, as with added inflation he felt just like Mr Stoker’s inflatable woman.
He tried to console himself that at least he had a purpose to get up for in the Morning- until tomorrow that is- when he finished work compulsorily.
What would he then do to fill the hours?
Arthur didn’t know.
He didn’t want to vegetate and watch the moronic daytime television.
He had all those years ago thought that retirement would bring both time and freedom to do the things he had always wanted to do but put off because of his job.
Enjoy not smelling the ‘Roses’ at number 8 Castell Morlais.
But now reality was starting to bite, he really felt short-changed by God.
The hand he had been dealt was not full of Aces but full of deuces.
He really felt bitter and someone was going to pay for it.
The Flag of St George fluttering in the cold mountain breeze too seemed to rile him even more than it normally did.
And then out of the corner of his eye, he caught a sight he had never seen before.
An unidentified flying object, that whirred and hovered in the air above the house with the English insignia.
It was painted a gaudy yellow with black lettering down the side.
Arthur squinted through his 74- year old cataracted eyes trying to make out what it said.
He was intrigued by the robotic UFO, as didn’t think he would ever see such a sight in his lifetime.
He didn’t expect to live long enough to witness people in jet packs whizzing about like they were members of the US cartoon series ‘The Jetsons’, let alone what he perceived to be a drone delivery from US warehousing giant Amazon.
The device seemed to pause, just like it was a mechanical homing pigeon checking its bearings before descending to the front door.
It then extended an arm and knocked the door loudly.
If Arthur had felt redundant earlier, now he knew he needed to be mothballed.
On its side was an LCD display with the words, ‘connecting to WI-FI’….
The electronic ‘Ring’ doorbell then sounded of its own volition and ten seconds later the door swung open only to reveal an out of shape male with a skinhead haircut, with a Chelsea FC football hooligan ‘Death to Spurs’ skull and crossbones tattoo on his muscular forearm.
Seeing Arthur staring at him from the top of the drive- he shouted aggressively ‘Wot U looking at?”
In reality, Arthur didn’t really understand what he was in fact witnessing.
The Amazon Drone opened a flap and in a mechanical voice ( not dissimilar to the robots from the 1970’s Smash advert for instant potato mash) spoke to the skinhead.
“Are you Ed Hunter?” asked the device.
“If so…please place your left thumbprint on the receipt display!”
Ed did so.
The word ‘MATCH’ came up on the LCD display and a different flap opened to dispatch a small bag of white powder.
Arthur was still dumbstruck.
Ed shouted to the Postman.
“Ain’t you seen a delivery of Colombian Marching Powder direct from the Amazon before?” said the National Front supporter.
As the drone flew off with its own ‘mission accomplished’, Ed quickly closed the door with a loud slam just to annoy his next-door neighbour, who he knew was working a nightshift.
Arthur had seen enough but he knew there was a delivery for Mr Ed Hunter and much as he wanted to toss the item in the hedge, his sense of ingrained but misplaced pride in his job would not let him end his career with some unfinished business.
He looked down at the item and quickly discovered that from the weight and size of the packaging that it was a hardback book.
A slight tear caused by despatch from the book depot showed, it was entitled ‘The Holocaust- a work of fiction’
Arthur was already angry but to think that someone would class the murder of millions of European people as ‘fake news’ made him livid.
It was the 1940’s equivalent of Austerity Measures & Universal Credit.
Some of his fellow Romanians had perished at the hands of those Right Wing Extremists -the Nazi Party of Germany-, many of which were women and children.
If there was only one good thing to come out of Europe in the last 74 years it was that different Nationalities had stopped killing each other over fictional borders.
He continued to shuffle his aged bent feet towards the long and winding road leading to the front door of the Englishman’s Castell.
It took him nearly 30 minutes till he reached the racist welcome mat on the porch floor.
“Beware of the Wog!” it read with a Robertson Jam Jar musical band member emblazoned thereon.
He was so incensed with the Brexiteer home owner that he wanted to give him a piece of his mind- while he still had some of it left intact.
He was intent on dealing with a vampire in the same way that they did in Transylvania in his Paternal Fatherland by putting a stake through its heart.
A last post if you like.
As he rapped on the door with his bony knuckles with the last of his ‘remaining’ strength, it was opened by Ed Hunter who glared back at him angrily.
Up close and personal, he had tattoos on his tattoos and was flanked by an English Pit Bull terrier sporting a blue Mohican, a spiked collar and bore the name ‘Drool Britannia’ on his identity ring and a highly- strung cat with a neat ‘Adolf Kittler’ moustache called William Rees- Moggie.
He was now outnumbered by bullies in the usual ratio of 3:1.
“Are you still ‘ere?.......what do YOU want?” spat the EDF energy- enhanced homeowner.
Arthur had intended to point out the error of the Neo-Nazi’s ways but was surprised at what actually came out of his mouth.
“Have you got any of that ‘whizz’ left-it’s just that I need it to finish my Round!”
AmeriCymru: Margaret and many thanks for agreeing to this interview. Care to introduce your historical novel Where Rowans Intertwine for our readers?
Margaret: Hmm! Thank you Ceri. Lovely to ‘be here’ in touch with people who love Wales as I do. We are now retired to Lincolnshire, but I still have such a strong hiraeth for the beautiful land that nurtured me for 23 years.
Most teachers will know how frenetic full time teaching is and how time consuming. However, although I had a delightful job running the kindergarten in a small school on Anglesey, I was in for a big shock. Chronic fatigue syndrome along with an exacerbated spinal injury ended my teaching career. We’ve all heard the maxim, ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,’ so, I decided to make the best of things and use my time usefully. I began to research and write the novel I had always wanted to read.
For me the book needed to be historical, have some sort of magical quality, be spiritually nourishing and of course have an edgy romance. It would have to answer unsettling questions about the sacred mountain where we lived when bringing up our children on the island of Anglesey. I was severely disabled, but I needed a raison d’être and new focus. I grasped the opportunity life afforded and, when I was bedbound, began painstaking research into the period of Romano Celtic history that followed the slaughter of the Druids on the shores of Anglesey (Mona) in North Wales 2000 years ago.
There was something so beautiful and mystical about the sacred mountain of Mynydd Llwydiarth where we lived; with a forest behind us and Snowdonia spread out at our feet. (It is now a red squirrel sanctuary) When feeling well, I had often roamed the mountain forest behind our cottage and allowed the plants and earth beneath my feet to ‘speak to me’. Ancient memories seemed to surface from the old rocks. I became convinced that a Celtic priestess had lived on the site of our house around 2000 years ago. Her story begged to be told.
When I was able to kneel, I began writing in short bursts, supporting myself on a kneeling stool. With hands on Reiki healing and medical herbalism I began to regain some measure of strength. I decided to train as a Reiki healer myself, so that I could manage to take away my own pain. I found this so useful in gaining empathy with Ceridwen, the main character in the novel. Like me, at the beginning of her story she is a novice healer.
As my health gradually improved, I was able to spend longer at the writing; but it took me twelve years. Then came the task of finding an agent and a publisher. It was so frustrating. Agents and publishers made encouraging noises, but nothing materialized, so I decided to go down the route of self-publishing. It wasn’t a good idea for a technophobe like myself. But, with the right support from friends and being able to find a brilliant professional formatter, it finally got published. It took 24 years from start to finish, but it is now an ebook and is also available in a glossy paperback on Amazon sites.
If you want to know more about the story, here’s the blurb I wrote for Amazon:
‘After the death of her grandmother, young novice priestess and healer, Ceridwen, is faced with the daunting responsibility of ministering to her Celtic tribe at a time when spiritual leadership is most needed. It is over two hundred years since Roman invaders attempted to annihilate the Druids on the shores of the island of Mona (Anglesey in North Wales).
Is now is the time for healing and forging a future from that hateful carnage? Is her attraction to a Roman surgeon, Marcus, a weakness, or her destiny? Dare she allow herself to be drawn into a relationship with him, now that she will be expected to mate at the sacred time of Beltane; and how can she steer her tribe away from its current chieftain, who usurps the nobility of Druid leadership in exchange for a reign of intimidation and terror? Their lives entwine and unfold in the setting of Mynydd Llwydiarth - the sacred mountain on the island of Mona.
Charged with passing the secrets and wisdom of her Druid training down the generations through the female line, she questions why she cannot conceive a girl child. The true magic she comes to learn, as her life unfolds, is more about love and loyalty than ritual, more about justice than tribe.
Interpreted as an allegory of the era we live in, where there are clashes of both culture and ideals, we can empathise with the process; but, for both Ceridwen and Marcus it is an agonizing spiritual journey of self searching and response to their times.
‘Where Rowans Intertwine’ is an historical novel which will interest those who enjoy a mystical tale, a spiritual quest, and a dip into the past. It will fascinate those interested in things Celtic, Roman or Pagan, and create an awakening to healing and life purpose.
More details can be found at
So far I’ve been lucky enough to have many five star reviews on all Amazon sites and Goodreads. I’m now busy doing local book signings in Lincolnshire. However, at Easter 2016 I managed a long awaited trip to North Wales to do book signings at Caernarfon Castle, The Ucheldre Centre, Holyhead, Oriel Môn, Llangefni and the Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Beaumaris. It was a great opportunity to sell signed copies of the paperback and meet old friends and new.
AmeriCymru: Do you think that Druidic practices survived the Roman occupation of Ynys Mon? Do you think that more should have been done to preserve those ancient traditions?
Margaret: I met and interviewed people on Anglesey who claimed to have been descendants of Druids. They said that, as Druid teachings went underground during the Roman occupation, the practices of healing, prophesying and conducting the sacred rituals at the festival times fell to the women. They claimed that the secret sacred teachings were passed down through the female line, emerging today in several formats such as medical herbalism, hands on healing as well as wiccan and pagan rituals.
It would seem to make sense. The Romans knew how politically influential the Druids were to the tribal chiefs and kings of the time. Destroying their power base was crucial to Roman civilization. To survive, Druid teachings had to go underground, but we can see echoes of it in Christian rituals at Christmas, Easter and Halloween. We hear echoes in our folklore, songs and traditions.
The Romans were pragmatic and as long as the Brythonic tribes did not rise in rebellion, the occupied peoples were allowed their old festivals and traditions. As a result many outward forms of Druid practice get mixed up in how we celebrate traditionally today.
In the 18th century there was a fashionable revival and interest in Druidry. When people started to take an interest in its spirituality during the 19th century we see traditions currently used in the cultural celebrations at national eisteddfodau beginning to be played out. These days the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids – OBOD would claim they have more of a handle on the teachings and run training courses. Here is a link to an overview of modern day Druidry.
Christian institutions, from the medieval period onwards, played their part all over Europe in persecuting and hunting down ‘heretics’. Druidry was buried, but its threads were still alive in folklore and folk medicine and even in superstitions. The other way it survived was through inspiration. Sensitive people, working with meditation and prayerful energy, are inspired by those gone before. I was fortunate to be able to link in this way to Ceridwen as she helped me mould the story I was creating. As I was editing she would often stop me in process and tell me ‘No!…Watch! It was like this!’
AmeriCymru: How easy is it to research the period in which the book is set? To what extent does imagination supplement primary sources?
Margaret: There is much more archeological evidence these days than there was in 1991 when I began my research. Fortunately according to Professor Alice Roberts, nothing I wrote has been disproved. No world wide web for me in those days. I was reliant on books borrowed from Bangor University Library, giving me access to old Roman maps, articles on farming and Welsh culture and law during the Roman occupation. Visits to museums to look at artefacts and visits to the remains of Segontium fortress near Caernarfon made it easier to imagine life in those far off days.
At both Bangor Museum and Oriel Môn, Llangefni I was able to view some of the votive hoard found at Llyn Cerrig Bach during the Second World War. Now it is housed in the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff. The fascinating museum at Segontium, where I was fortunate to have the curator all to myself for a whole afternoon, is now not manned; but I believe you can ask for the key at Caernarfon castle if you book in advance with CADW. Chester Museum and the Deva experience there gave me even more material and a feel for the might of Rome.
The Roman chronicler Tacitus and writers Caesar and Pliny all give accounts of the Roman occupation of Britain, but current historians reckon that there was lots of bias and spin to their stories, proudly recording victory after victory and denouncing the Brythonnic tribes as uncivilized. Archeology has proved that wrong from the way they wove, fashioned tools, worked with gold, copper and iron, built houses and roads, traded, had supreme horsemanship and farmed the land sympathetically. Their laws were very egalitarian, supportive of family life and their links to the land.
In some ways, even though it took two years of assiduous research, I was relieved that I did not have to pin myself down to too much historic detail. So much remained a mystery; so I had to rely on a great deal of imagination and stimulus from my muse Ceridwen.
AmeriCymru: Will you be writing more historical novels? Will you be setting future novels in the same place and period?
Margaret: I am 74. Whilst I can still be a walk leader for Walking For Health and run meditation classes and Reiki classes from our home, I really do not want to tie myself to a computer as it drains me of energy. I want to be out in my garden tending the herbs or hosting retreats for people who need some peace and quiet in their busy lives.
However, if I ever do become immobile again I will follow up on ‘Where Rowans Intertwine’ with an account of Llew’s life in the same area of Anglesey. He is Ceridwen’s young son. I am convinced he was an ancestor of Llywelyn Fawr. Occasionally when I cannot sleep at night I feel his story calling me…
AmeriCymru: What is your process? Do you write a certain amount each day or do you wait for inspiration?
Margaret: It has always depended on what needs doing as a priority. During times of struggle with practicalities and pressure from family matters my creative writing has had to take a back seat. Recently, on becoming a Reiki master (teacher) I wrote my own training manuals. My writing energy is always better in the mornings, just after the two cups of real coffee I indulge in. Then, after a domestic tidy, I settle down to write for the rest of the morning. I might begin with a silly computer game to get my brain stimulated. Then I will open up my partially written manuscript and read it aloud to myself. As an ex drama teacher I am looking for dramatic effect and timing as well as typographical errors. I listen to it as though I am a member of its audience. As I go along I edit. When I have finished cleaning up what I have previously written, I pause. Maybe I will have a walk around the garden and smell the beauty, put out the washing, pray and meditate for a few minutes and then get creative.
AmeriCymru: What are you working on at the moment?
Margaret: I am just about to publish a children’s paperback. I will work on editing an ebook version during the Christmas holidays. It has been such a wonderful self-indulgent trip down memory lane. You see I am a cataholic……( No not a Catholic. My faith is Bahá’í, which means I appreciate each world faith as a significant chapter in the spiritual evolution of humankind.) I am a great fan of cats. We have been owned by nine of them during our long family association with felines. I must have read almost every book that has ever been published about cats.
Mine is called ‘THE NINE LIVES OF TIGGER DIGGER’. It is based on the true to life story of our latest family moggy, Tiggy. It’s the tale of how we imagined he got to be dumped on the South Yorkshire moors and had to learn to fend for himself before finding his forever home.
My lovely husband, Gordon, has done the delightful illustrations and both daughter Claire and son Andrew have contributed memories and ideas. It is suitable for 7-14 year olds to read by themselves, but it will also interest adult cat lovers. At the back there are discussion questions to accompany each chapter so that parents and teachers can prompt youngsters to think about moral values.
Here is a taste of the draft cover:
AmeriCymru: What are you currently reading? Any recommendations?
Margaret: I’m currently rereading Philippa Gregory’s novel ‘The Constant Princess’ on kindle. I was lucky enough to visit the Alhambra in Granada two years ago and it is bringing back strong memories of the region.
In paperback I am reading ‘All The Light We Cannot See’, by Anthony Doerr, a fascinating story of a blind teenager in occupied France and a young radio scientist who is singled out to be of great use to the Nazi effort. This is so atmospheric you have to savour each small vignette as it alternates each character’s story of the same war. I am half way through and the two main protagonists have not met as yet.
For those of you who love historical novels about Welsh history I recommend the writing of Sharon Kay Penman and Elizabeth Chadwick. Maybe you are already familiar with Sharon’s trilogy about the Welsh Princes: ‘Here be Dragons’ , 'Falls The Shadow' , ‘The Reckoning’?
For me, the historical writer par excellence is Elizabeth Chadwick. I have often observed that with some writers I am especially telepathic and when they begin to outline a character or place, even well before they have furnished a full visual description, I can already see what is in the author’s mind. I have a very strong connection with her writing. If you found Wolf Hall more like a PhD thesis than a digestible story then you will prefer Elizabeth’s writing.
There are tantalizing glimpses of Llwyellyn Fawr in ‘The Leopard Unleashed’, part of her Ravenstow Trilogy about the Welsh Marches.
Here is what she says about Garth Celyn, his Welsh stronghold near Aber in North Wales.
AmeriCymru: Any final message for the members and readers of AmeriCymru?
Margaret: Keep the hiraeth flowing and the Welsh language safer than houses if you have it. Value your heritage and treasure the culture, but do not lose sight of the oneness of humanity, from which cauldron we are all born. Call others to discover the hidden treasures of Wales; her unspoiled and spiritual landscapes; her connection to sea and sky; her ancient wisdoms and her noble saints and seers. Sing, laugh and be part of an amazing landscape. If you have hiraeth and can make the sacred journey then come to her mountains, valleys and shores. If you cannot travel, then do so in your meditations and dreams. The welcome is always so warm.