Sian Ifans


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Blogs: 3
images: 1


Tarian Glyndŵr

By Sian Ifans, 2010-08-20
Annwyl Gyfeillion,
Blog newydd sbon i dynnu sylw'r byd tuag at y 'rheibio tir' diweddaraf sy'n cymryd lle yng Nghymru. Ai dyma gychwyn y diwedd i'r Genedl Gymreig?
Helpwch yr achos a fydd yn galluogi pobl Cymru i uno i wneud rhywbeth am hyn (cyn iddi fod yn rhy hwyr) drwy basio'r ddolen gyswllt isod ymlaen i bawb fyddai diddordeb. Diolch.
Brand new blog to draw the world's attention to the latest 'land grab' that's taking place in Wales. Is this the beginning of the end of the Welsh nation?
Please assist the cause that will enable the people of Wales to unite to do something about this issue (before it's too late) by passing the link below to all that may be interested. Thanks.
Sin Ifan
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Tourism Survey coming to a close.

By Sian Ifans, 2009-02-13
It will be February 14th tommorrow and I will be closing my Welsh tourism survey. Many thanks to all that have filled in my questionnaire. You, undoubtedly, will have helped to make Welsh tourism a more exiting experience in the future. For those that haven't filled the questionnaire in, you have one day left. Diolch tn fawr iawn.Sin
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By Sian Ifans, 2009-01-07
I am currently carrying out a 'Wales Tourism Survey' via a blog (see link below) and am now appealing for your assistance in ensuring that this survey is viewed worldwide by those who already have, or would consider visiting Wales in the future as a tourist. Perhaps you could assist, both, by means of linking the survey's blog to your own website and/or by passing on the link below to those in your e-mail address book? Needless to say, your assistance will be greatly appreciated and the data collected could be of great value to the future of Welsh and British tourism.Thanking you sincerely in anticipation of your assistance.Sian Ifans
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