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I am currently carrying out a 'Wales Tourism Survey' via a blog (see link below) and am now appealing for your assistance in ensuring that this survey is viewed worldwide by those who already have, or would consider visiting Wales in the future as a tourist. Perhaps you could assist, both, by means of linking the survey's blog to your own website and/or by passing on the link below to those in your e-mail address book? Needless to say, your assistance will be greatly appreciated and the data collected could be of great value to the future of Welsh and British tourism.Thanking you sincerely in anticipation of your assistance.Sian Ifans
Happy Imbolc everybody! Two weeks left until my Wales Tourism Survey ends. Have you filled it in yet? Many thanks to those who have - and especially to the Central Ohio Welsh Society who have really got into the spirit of it all so to speak. If every Welsh Society around the world had been as cooperative as the Central Ohio Society, I could really state that I know what visitors would like when they visit Wales. You can access the questionnaire immediately now from my blogspot on Americymru or you can e-mail me for one at Please fill it in and send it back to me by February 14th the latest. Help me to get it right for you. Diolch yn fawr. Sin
Great News! Ceri has very kindly assisted me with this survey by adding the questionnaire as an attachment to my blogspot on Americcymru which means that potential respondents can now click onto the link there to access the questionnaire immediately. It can then be filled in and sent back to sian.ifans@ntlworld.comIf you would like to fill it in, it just takes a few minutes. Closing date of survey is February 14th, St Valentine's Day.Many thanks for your assistance Ceri.
Please find the questionare document attached below. Simply click the url to download and save. Fill it in and return to if you wish to participate and assist. It only takes a few minutes to complete. questionnaire without the introduction.doc
The email address in the blogpost should read:-sian.ifans@ntlworld.comYou missed the "s"
Please note: The 'Wales Tourism Survey' questionnaire will need to be requested as an e-mail attachment from and will need to be returned to the same e-mail address by February 14th, St Valentine's Day. Diolch.