  Joined July 06, 2017

Today is Iolo Multnomah's Birthday - share a birthday wish!
Today is Iolo Multnomah's Birthday
Iolo Multnomah
@iolo-multnomah is now following @americymru
7 years ago
Joined 17 years ago

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PART III - My surroundings

[PART II] It was dark: as aphotic , as Cimmerian , as stygian , as tenebrous as something very, very...

PART II - The Terrible Unknown Dark

[PART I] I stumbled down the creaking wooden steps in the gloom, wholly fixated upon and making my way toward a tiny, welcome...

PART I - Reconciling The Accounts

It was with a very, very heavy heart that I embarked upon the stair to my study. Upon the empty plane of my desk I most regretfully...