Thursday July 6 2017, 2:19 AM
It was with a very, very heavy heart that I embarked upon the stair to my study. Upon the empty plane of my desk I most regretfully laid my account statements, my cheque register, a veritable mountain of receipts and vouchers of one kind or...
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Thursday July 6 2017, 2:21 AM
[PART I] I stumbled down the creaking wooden steps in the gloom, wholly fixated upon and making my way toward a tiny, welcome spot of light in the darkness, a torch far below me. Upward and behind, I heard nothing from the Ty Bach. I...
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Monday July 10 2017, 9:36 PM
[PART II] It was dark: as aphotic , as Cimmerian , as stygian , as tenebrous as something very, very dark . The dear, warm, little golden egg cast a tiny glow a few inches from its nest upon my palm. I...
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