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Some members have reported to us that they have received solicitation emails from the following email address:welshdragon2009@gmail.comand that in at least two cases these emails were sent to addresses they had created solely for use on AmeriCymru and could only have been gotten from this network.We take our data security EXTREMELY seriously and work hard to keep spammers, bots and hackers out of our network and off your communication lines here. We do not allow access to your email address nor any other data you don't publicly post on the network. NING states that they do not either rent or sell email addresses so this is extremely suspicious and annoying.If you have received any email from, please inform us and forward that entire message to us.Thank you very much!Gaabi
Thanks very much for that, Valerie - that's a very good idea to check that.Yes, I should have said this in my broadcast, but if you get this email, the email in itself is nothing to be alarmed about, not a scam, not containing a virus but we're interested in how this person got these email addresses.
Don't know them but I scam searched & nothing was listed against them.