Gaabriel Becket


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Welsh Society of Portland Hears About 'Culture Wars'

user image 2013-08-05
By: gaabi
Posted in:


Presented by AmeriCymru and the Portland Center for Public Humanities

Portland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 327/8

Fri Oct 4th 6.30-9.00 pm

Yesterday, Ceri and I got to go to the monthly Welsh Society of Portland meeting to give a presentation on the coming Portland State University event on Welsh writing in English, "Culture Wars: Other Voices in British Literature."

Ceri showed attendees where to find the event page at PSU and talked about the speakers that would be coming, the program and what we're hoping to get across to a Portland audience, introducing writers and publishers from Wales.

He also introduced the Welsh American Bookstore, talked about eto , answered questions and made recommendations for books. Members of the Portland Welsh Festival Choir were there and they'll be performing the Welsh national anthem to open the PSU event.

A pleasant meeting with tasty food!


Ceri Shaw
08/05/13 05:47:27PM @ceri-shaw:

@Philip....I will have word with the caterers. We may offer a traditional menu, chicken vindaloo etc

philip stephen rowlands
08/05/13 02:03:54PM @philip-stephen-rowlands:

You've persuaded me! I'll be there.

Will there be steamed pasties?

Ceri Shaw
08/05/13 01:34:30AM @ceri-shaw:

Hope to see you all at PSU on the 4th,...diolch