Gaabriel Becket


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Calling all members! I want your opinions!

user image 2011-10-11
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Ceri and I are talking about doing a quarterly "print" mag - it would be available online as a pdf and people could subscribe by mail for an actual physical edition of the magazine -

What would people like to see in a magazine on "Welsh America" or Welsh and Welsh culture outside Wales? What would people like to read, to learn, to hear about?

Peter Lewis
10/16/11 05:20:30PM @peter-lewis:

Poetry of course, in Welsh and English, articles about Welsh history both ancient and modern. The doings of Welsh American groups, interviews with Welsh artists and musicians both AmericanWelsh and WelshWelsh. Political news and welsh phrases related to modern culture, idioms that is. Many Americans of Welsh descent don't think of themselves that way, because he Welsh so completely integrated in American society, helped create it in fact. So articles that would help create a sense of Welsh American identity, to bring more into the fold. Identity is a creation after all (I was trained as a post-modern artist where identity issues are all the rage :))

Rhianne Griffiths
10/12/11 11:33:56PM @rhianne-griffiths:

This idea works well for small local communities - there are two on-line mags in existence in Gower. They succeed in not duplicating material, and are very worthwhile indeed.

One of the magazines is produced as a print mag for those members of the community of Llanmadoc, Cheriton and Llangennith who do not use the Internet - you see it is manageable across a small geographical area.

For a global group like this I can't really get a clear plan in my mind about how you might tackle it - as PSJ said it should not be a reproduction of the website, it needs fresh engaging content that has an extremely broad appeal.

It might turn out to be a huge task and a burden, or a complete white elephant.

What type of content were you anticipating Gabbi?

Paul Steffan Jones AKA
10/12/11 11:09:33PM @paul-steffan-jones2:

I mean contributing...

Paul Steffan Jones AKA
10/11/11 10:45:54PM @paul-steffan-jones2:

Could be good if it isn't a replica of the website. I would be interested in the Madoc tale and how it's viewed in the US. I would also like to learn more of the impact my compatriots have made on US crime and the darker side of the American Dream. Naturally, I think there ought to be some featuring of literature...

Gillian Morgan
10/11/11 07:42:26PM @gillian-morgan:

I would like to see what Welsh people are doing in America- where they live, work, go on holiday, what made them settle in America and so on. (I love a peep into other people's lives).

Ceri Shaw
10/11/11 06:16:54PM @ceri-shaw: will be a lot of work. We hope to produce the first edition in a few ( 3? ) months time and then we'll see how it goes. I like the idea of a comprehensive events guide. We should certainly look into that. Also as far as links are concerned we can use QR codes to provide 'print links' at least for people with mobile phones equipped with a QR reader.

10/11/11 06:10:23PM @aquafortis:

A great way to get ideas might be to look at what Ninnau (the Welsh-American newspaper) does and perhaps try to target areas that they aren't currently addressing. Another thought I had was that you could have each issue focus on a few areas--perhaps take the active threads on Americymru and focus on just two or three per issue. This would reduce work load but also make it so people would be able to look forward to something different each time. E.g., Fall issue: arts and literature; Spring issue: spotlight on a Welsh society, etc.

I am a big fan of the newsletter for WASNC (Welsh-American Society of Northern California), which is called Pethau Cymreig--in addition to news and articles about the group's activities, there are always interesting short pieces about the Welsh and Welsh-Americans in the news or in history.

Bronwen Price
10/11/11 06:03:46PM @bronwen-price:

I would like to know about events and groups in my area as well as regionalgroups and events. I find that Ninnau focuses on the Eastern region, and gives short shrift to The West (including British Columbia). Am I to assume there isn't anything going on in The West? No Welsh here in the West? I really don't know if there is enough out there to fill a mag, but an on-line pdf would be the way to start, in my view. Good Luck!

John Berry
10/11/11 03:52:13PM @john-berry:

I'm all in favor, but I hope you realize how much work it will be. One suggestion would be to take things from the various threads on Ameericymru (walks, placenames, etc., and gather them into one place.