Gaabriel Becket


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Happy US Independence Day -

user image 2016-07-04
By: gaabi
Posted in: Books

(I sent this out as a broadcast email but putting up a blog, too)

#009;"> Welsh social network banner image

Happy 4th of July to All!

If you're a US citizen, enjoy the fireworks and we wish you and your family a wonderful day, full of great fireworks and whatever fun you want!

If you're not, we wish you a wonderful day today and please think fondly of us here in the US, even though according to Quentin Whistleton Thynne, our lease is almost up .

Happy US Independence Day!

#009; font-size: 120%; text-align: right; padding-right: 20px;"> from Ceri and Gaabi at AmeriCymru

from image of Uncle Dai

Ceri Shaw
07/04/11 07:06:23PM @ceri-shaw:
I asked him if he'd fix the response...typical blydi landlord :)