Forum Activity for @tartansoldier

11/28/08 12:28:15AM
12 posts

listen to this

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I apologize if you have heard this before, I am sure you are familiar (speliing) with the film; listen to it anyway (welsh fuckers and their music)
updated by @tartansoldier: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM
12/06/08 07:48:00PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I dont care if you listen to rod stewart or watch craig ferguson.
11/29/08 04:54:43PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Here is a very lenghty discussion on the subject. It is a topic on a forum You will find that the scots on the forum will validate my interpretations;
11/28/08 03:11:34PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I agree that everyone should be ancouraged to learn about their ancestors etc. I would and have never disputed that. However the identity gronw in people of particular groups belong only to those groups. I dont believe anyone has the right to call themselves a scot unless they are from scotland.
11/25/08 10:17:24PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

But since I am REALLY American it is not OK for me to claim any aspects of any of these cultures as my own?I think the tone of this statement means you are wanting me to say something, I dont want to repeat myself. But I will say it one more time. I said have already stated *sigh that I was not attacking you heritage. Infact I think I stated this several times. How many more times would you like me to say it?I have been saying all along, never mind
11/25/08 09:18:40PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

scotttish culture, people, dialect, inward and outward perceptions, ideology, philosophy, beliefs, politics, kinship, community, understanding, humour etc etc. That is what makes someone scottish.As I have stated before this IS what makes you scottish. This cannot be passed down. Please give me an example otherwise.
11/25/08 09:15:37PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Culture cannot be passed on in a manner that makes someone scottish you have to live and breath it every day. What parts of scottish culture do they pass on Bagpipes ?.A lot of us scots have irish, scottish, english parents, I know for a fact that they dont pass their culture on to their children. This is nonsense culture is not somethin that is tangebile to be passed down it has to be lived in, to make you what you are. Most americans have so far removed culture that I entirely doubt they can give proper insight into what it means to be scottish. how on earth could they?I know americans love to trace their family history, you keep thinking I am attaking your interest on your heritage I am not. Scottish heritage does not make you scottish though.And no I am not saying stop looking into your family heritage. I am saying that scottish or welsh heritage does not make someone welsh or scottish.
11/25/08 09:04:20PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I would also like to add that most americans are actually of german descent. The vast and I mean VAST majority of americans with scottish ancestors have a predominantly higher number of other nationalities in their ancestry aswell.
11/25/08 08:55:52PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Being born in scotland does not make you scottish and it does not make me scottish. Having a scottish parent does not make me scottish either.To be scottish you must have been raised in scotland from an age early enough, that allows scotland to shape your character, personality and being. To be scottish you must have been assimilated and moulded by scotttish culture, people, dialect, inward and outward perceptions, ideology, philosophy, beliefs, politics, kinship, community, understanding, humour etc etc. That is what makes someone scottish.How exactly does having obscure scottish ancestors make you scottish ?I have an irish father along with an irish mother but I was brought up in scotland, therefore I am not irish despite having an irish father.
11/25/08 08:21:22PM
12 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I do not dispute your ancestry, I am merely saying that ancestry does not make one scottish, welsh or swissThe scots, welsh and swiss are people from countries in europe and they are seperated by culture.Implying someone is scottish or welsh by ancestry implies that they are distinct and seperate races of people which is not true at all. I do however understand 'celebrating' your ancestry. However how can you subscribe to a culture that you have never experianced, never have lived in and frankly dont understand ?I would also like to point out that we are not celts. the 'celtic' culture died hundreds of years ago. Calling someone a celt now days is ridiculous. It is no differant from calling a german a hun or an italian a roman. Neo celticism makes me cringe, many people would have you believe celtic culture constitutes playing the fiddle and drinking guiness.