welsh kilts
General Discussions ( Anything Goes )
I came across this thread and being scottish (real scottish, not an american) I have to dispell some common fallacies.To a previous poster; you did NOT witness scots and irish fighting about who wore the kilt first, you were witnessing americans (probably making referance to their heritage) arguing about who wore the kilt. I know this because the irish would never wear a kilt, have never worn the kilt and would never claim the kilt. The irish kilt and tartan was developed in the latter half of the 20th century for the ignorant american market, whom for some ridiculous reason thinks the irish wore kilts. This is not true the irish never have worn kilt and they see kilts as explicitly scottish wear.I would also like to add that the celts never wore kilts, they wore trousers, The kilt was developed by 16th century scots gaels in the highlands, it was only worn by highlanders until they brought it into during the migraiton of highlanders to cities like glasgow and edinburgh.and to the poster below welsh people were not found living in scotland you are refering to the brythonic celts. Wales did not exist then. and it should be noted that the celts were spread through most of britian.welsh people wearing a kilt is like a japanese person wearing lederhosen.