Forum Activity for @neil-hughes

Neil Hughes
03/30/11 10:01:18PM
37 posts



Nice one.Da Iawn,Mona
Neil Hughes
03/24/11 12:04:27AM
37 posts


Genealogy The Cornish are of celtic origin and many placenames have Welsh sounding names..Tre in Cornish is town or village
Neil Hughes
03/23/11 10:39:54PM
37 posts



Not quite sure what you mean,Margo(Marged yn Gymraeg)
Neil Hughes
03/23/11 10:06:58PM
37 posts



I live about 3 miles from Caerwys in Holywell(Treffynnon)which in Welsh means Well Town.Tredick would literally mean Dick's Town ,Tre(f) being town.To be honest Tredick sounds more Cornish than Welsh.If you need any info on Caerwys let me know.
Neil Hughes
03/03/11 05:55:19PM
37 posts

Welsh referendum March the 3d

Promoting Wales in the USA

Voted yes today.In answer to the question why anyone would vote no,it is a fact that about a third of people living in Wales are not Welsh.Many of these fear a vote to strenghten our government is another step towards independence.Whilst I understand their concerns ,as a WelshmanI say BRING IT ON.My wife is English and has voted yes because she believes it is the right thing for the country in which she lives.

Neil Hughes
03/06/09 08:57:03PM
37 posts

I think the classic line is when Brian's mother catches him with his girlfriend and says' what's that Welsh tart doing here'
Neil Hughes
02/05/09 07:43:54PM
37 posts

Glad he's called it a day whilst undefeated.Would have hated him to go one fight to many.I'm sure he'll be a success in whatever he chooses to do.
Neil Hughes
11/18/08 07:41:12PM
37 posts

The Male Mid Life Crisis explained in simple terms.

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

It's not so much growing up that concerns me it's growing out
Neil Hughes
11/18/08 07:13:49PM
37 posts

The Male Mid Life Crisis explained in simple terms.

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Done the bike thing but have never' tried to attach myself to a youth' sounds painful !