Forum Activity for @neil-hughes

Neil Hughes
10/27/08 10:38:44PM
37 posts

Prince Madoc

American Welsh History

Fascinating! I must admit I am of the 12th century Madog school of thought but if the evidence is there I have an open mind.
Neil Hughes
10/24/08 11:04:39PM
37 posts

Dreamin' of a Welsh Christmas....

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Mari Llwyd, the grey mare comes from the Mabinogion, from the tale of Rhiannon(I think)the grey mare who could never be caught.Just shows how many of our Christmas traditions have roots in our pagan,celtic past.
Neil Hughes
10/24/08 11:30:19PM
37 posts

Happy Nos Galan Gaeaf (Halloween)!

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

It would just be one person and he would normally go in through the back door and out through the front
Neil Hughes
10/24/08 10:16:44PM
37 posts

Happy Nos Galan Gaeaf (Halloween)!

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Bobbing for apples was certainly a tradition when I was young(many,many years ago).The one tradition I remember was a tall ,dark man would carry a piece of coal through the house to ward off evil and bring prosperity.As I was tall(ish) and dark(ish) I was often nominated for this.
Neil Hughes
10/24/08 11:24:40PM
37 posts

Gavin&Stacey one of my all time favourites.My son,Aled has a fondness for Jack Daniels I was told that the aforementioned Jack worked in the last distillery in Wales and when it closed he left for America and we all know the result.You may know that a new distillery,Penderyn has opened and is making some very palatible Welsh whisky.As we are talking booze Dydd Dewi Sant would not be the same without some Brains,Tomos Watkins or the nectar that is Gwynt Y Ddraig cider (hic )
Neil Hughes
10/12/08 01:03:25AM
37 posts

Madog ab Owain Gwynedd

American Welsh History

Hello David, thanks for the reply.I have been interested in the story of Madog for many years since I saw a BBC programme called Madog And The Welsh Indians.I was just wondering how many of my American cousins knew of the story and that(possibly) the first european to set foot on your soil was a Welsh prince,the son of the great Owain Gwynedd.
Neil Hughes
10/11/08 11:48:39PM
37 posts

Madog ab Owain Gwynedd

American Welsh History

Does anyone here know the story of Madog ?More importantly does anyone believe it to be true ?
updated by @neil-hughes: 11/11/15 10:37:01PM
Neil Hughes
10/10/08 10:14:15PM
37 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Cymru U-21 Dau Lloegr U-21 Tri - Bugger (sorry )Oh well there's always the rugby
updated by @neil-hughes: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM
Neil Hughes
10/09/08 05:39:25PM
37 posts

Historic Letters of 1282

Welsh History

Excellent website.Last year myself and three colleagues were invited by Kathryn Gibson to see the Llys and obviously jumped at the chance.I found her very knowledgeable and dedicated to her project.She was also a little disgruntled at the lack of interest being shown by certain public bodies,in particular,CADW( Celebrate All Defeats Welsh ).I hope that things have changed because I know she has a lot of her own money tied up in an enterprise that should be recieving public money.As for the Archbishops letters I believe that they add credence to the conspiracy/assassination theories surrounding Llywelyn's death.
Neil Hughes
10/16/08 12:07:20AM
37 posts

North South Divide?

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Da iawn Hugh, couldn't agree more.Seperate the gogs from the hwntw(haven't heard that one either) and job done.The idea of a united Wales has terrified them ever since they stole our country.There is little Cymreig spoken where I live near the border and most people speak with a semi-scouse accent but we are still Welsh and over 700 years of occupation has not changed who we are.At the end of the day when I go to watch my country play football or rugby I care not where the man standing next to me is from because he is from my country.I would just like to say well done to our young footballers for running the other England team(Germany) so close tonight.Nos da