Forum Activity for @kenneth-b-lacey-jr

Kenneth B. Lacey, Jr.
01/09/13 02:12:55AM
6 posts

The Rumour Mill

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I hear that Cardiff City is headed for the Premier league.....

Kenneth B. Lacey, Jr.
12/27/12 07:16:45AM
6 posts

What Did You Get For Christmas?

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

a new tie, a couple of cds, a couple of books, and a trip to Wales (already taken in November!). I think I made-out well this year.

Kenneth B. Lacey, Jr.
02/26/13 01:31:16PM
6 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

LOL and you never hear of a Catholic school being attacked, at least not physically.

I am all for the armed security, and I honestly think it should be a police officer. The newer schools are already built like prisons, so access to the students is already limited. We're not talking about hallway patrols, just an armed presence on the property. The value added to having a police officer present can add to deterrence to other crimes on school property such as drug use and gang presence. Many schools would benefit in multiple ways, especially the inner city schools where crime and violence is a daily issue for those students.

An officer present at school is a deterrence to all but the most professional gun users. The school will now no longer be a target range that these unstable sorts know have no protection afforded to the children they are tasked with taking care of each day. We haven't had professional 'hit man' attack a school yet, and I doubt we will. The cost of an officer, or two, or three, depending upon the size of said school, is negligible when you look at the annual cost of your average school budget. The schools in our state could easily roll this into the annual working budget and the benefit will far out way the cost here, if protection of your children is what you are seeking.

Kenneth B. Lacey, Jr.
01/19/13 06:12:35PM
6 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

MA Governor just filed a similar bill here. If the legislature passes this crap I may be moving north. Knee-jerk laws are ridiculous and the people who allow their reps to pass this crap need to have their heads examined. The media and gov't have the general public whipped with their scare tactics.

Even if this latest event had happened with smaller capacity magazines, the same number of people/children would have been killed. Without an armed response, you won't stop an armed assailant. These lawmakers are nuts.

Kenneth B. Lacey, Jr.
01/16/13 03:24:41PM
6 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

there's a mouthful to think on there.

Kenneth B. Lacey, Jr.
12/27/12 07:30:36AM
6 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I guess my question to that data might be: which year, what are the per capita rates, and why do we only compare ourselves to other European or European descendant countries?