Forum Activity for @ian-price

Ian Price
07/17/08 07:49:56PM
24 posts

meeting people from England in the US...

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Personally I'd rather get on with people from which ever culture they come from. However, because many English people have a massive insecurity problem and inferiority complex it's always best to have a retort or crisp rejoinder at the ready - just in case. Telling them to go back to Germany where they came from. That usually brings on a Porterhouse Blue - or remind them that they are in fact the illegitimate sons of the Roman hordes if a similar effect is required.What really bugs me though is the media which tries to play up national differences as if we on this rock in the North Atlantic were some how genetically different. The Celts and Saxons along with Jutes, Angles,Picts and in these days people from all over creation live here. Were 60 Million on an island that would comfortably fit into Lake Superior. There are idiots like Anne Robinson - a woman of infinite unimportance who say things like " The Welsh! What are they for? Then you get real morons on radio stations like Talk Sport who delight in trying to belittle Welsh sportsmen usually to the embarrasment of the English people their trying to lure into a racial slur.
Ian Price
07/16/08 06:48:29PM
24 posts

meeting people from England in the US...

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

That's rich! A New zealander calling the Welsh sheep shaggers. They should know better.
Ian Price
07/16/08 09:02:31AM
24 posts

meeting people from England in the US...

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Some of the most charming people I've ever met were English - and some of the worst. If the sheep shagger nonsense comes up again admit to it and tell them that's why lamb tastes slimey when they eat it. Or better still remind them that the Welsh often went across the border to England to give the women a taste of Welsh manhood. Of course they often followed us back because they never had such a good time. Naturally your Anglo Saxon male just stood on the border and called us names.
Ian Price
07/16/08 09:15:22AM
24 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

It's inconvenient to English history that's why. Your Taff, Jock and Mick have always been a thorn in the side of your nigels. Kerrist! Welsh means alien to many English people - but the best of them like to live here. Some liked it so much they built castles all around the country.If I had to nominate someone it would probably be Russel Crowe. The film would be called LLadiator or The Man from Mychynlleth LOL.