Forum Activity for @ian-price

Ian Price
08/11/08 07:09:43PM
24 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Democracy is tough. You have to want it real bad to put up with it's tedious implications. But that's what we do because it's right I M O.By the way what rank are you Gar? I see three stripes on your uniform but my knowledge of the military has lapsed. Colour Sergeant, Sergeant Major ?BestIan
Ian Price
08/05/08 07:45:09PM
24 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I was simply replying to the point made by Wendy Owen - Temple that " ... North Wales has a much higher percentage of true welsh language speakers . "All my family up until my father's generation were monoglot Welsh. Today the generation after myself are now bi lingual - thank the stars.I'm sorry if some Americans of Welsh descent can only see a rose tinted view of Wales but this country of ours has been is and will be far more complex than misty eyed romanticism. It's our duty to keep them up to date with events and remind them that along with the stunning beauty here this land is still occupied by real people.BestIan
Ian Price
08/05/08 08:44:19AM
24 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

We're in the middle of the National Eisteddfod this week where inevitably the issue of the Welsh and English languages arise.The 22 unitary authorities in Wales where the vast majority are English speaking Welsh now subsidise the Eisteddfod because the Welsh speakers couldn't make it pay. However the Welsh speakers who run the thing still maintain that ony Welsh speakers are really Welsh and they want to keep all competitions and ceremonies in Welsh.I think this is absolute nonsense. If the majority who pay for the event are English speakers then the very least that could be done is to make the Eisteddfod totally bi lingual. Unfortunately there's still that attitude that only Welsh speakers are really Welsh. This causes a certain enmity between the various factions.The alternative is to let the Welsh speaking minority pay for the whole event again and keep it totally Welsh speaking.On another point S4C - the Welsh language channel is the most subsidised in the world. It gets 100,000,000 a year to run a channel that rarely had an audience of more than 80,000. Wales has a population of over 3,000,000 fifteen percent of which speak Welsh. When it became obvious that the Welsh language viewing figures were consistently low they weren,t published anymore.The arguement for maintaining and increasing further funding for a channel that would long ago have died in a market economy is that, no matter how low the viewing figures the demographic the channel is aimed at is looked at as 100% of its posssible audience Therefore if only 60,000 Welsh speakers out of a Welsh speaking population of 600,000 ( THEIR FIGURES NOT MINE ) watch a programme it is deemed to have been a riotous success. Some two million nine hundred and forty thousand Welsh people of both languages DIDN'T watch the programme. Can you imagine if that kind of logic were applied to all broadcasters. The ironic thing is that English production companies are paid to make programmes for S4C - none of which have any knowledge or interest in the Welsh language whatsoever.If I had my way I'd create an independant State around Machynlleth and the Lleyn Peninsula and let the Welsh speaking self professed elite get on with it. The rest of us so called false Welsh - all of whom are from generations born in Wales can then get on with the 21st Century.
Ian Price
08/02/08 10:22:47AM
24 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

It's a cross between Welsh and English." I do go to go? It's chronic? Aggravated beyond I am. Dull as a brush and there's no grain on her washin".Some examples above . Verbs,nouns adjectives and adverbs all get mixed up in a mix between Celt and Saxon.Now talk tidy.
updated by @ian-price: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM
Ian Price
07/23/08 04:35:32AM
24 posts

Gwyn Thomas Selected Short Stories ISBN 0 907476 30 9

Welsh Literature

I just sent you another story but iy seems to have gone off the page. I'll try it in photos instead.Ian
Ian Price
07/22/08 08:24:07AM
24 posts

Gwyn Thomas Selected Short Stories ISBN 0 907476 30 9

Welsh Literature

I've read a lot of Thomas's works but a great deal of them are out of print or have never been published.His turns of phrase are hilarious . Of the many I remember one short extract went like this -Her husband had become seriously affected by consumption and so the doctor was called. He suggested a high protein diet of Champagne and Oysters. Now this family were a full stop in poverty but she did the best she could . She fed him cockles and pop for a month.
Ian Price
07/21/08 11:52:24AM
24 posts

Gwyn Thomas Selected Short Stories ISBN 0 907476 30 9

Welsh Literature

Anyone ever read this author who came from Clydach Vale? His works are hilarious and sad by turn.I've attached a small example of his work called The Joyful. When I read it first I almost keeled over in fits of laughter; Much of his output struck many chords with anyone who has suffered adversity but finds humour in it.
updated by @ian-price: 11/11/15 10:36:51PM