Forum Activity for @ian-price

Ian Price
08/07/08 06:56:58AM
24 posts

Examples of Welsh Influence on America

American Welsh History

Living here in Wales we tend to get a number of television programmes from time to time that explore the Welsh influence on certain parts of the world. They range from the trivial to adjuncts of academic works. One of these programmes concerned a black guy named Harris who was searching for his ancestry. A good deal of information about Welsh slave owners came out in that.There were two separate series broadcast here - one by an academic and another by a journalist called The Welsh In America and The Welsh in The U.S. I think. It was quite an eye opener to see how extensive Welsh influence was and suppose is in the States. From the signing of The Declaration of Independence to presidents to slave owners to gangsters to film makers to The Ivy League and all other strata of American life the descendants of Welsh settlers and immigrants had and have a remarkable presence and effect on American life. Hell! It almost went stratospheric again this year; Hillary Clinton's antecedents are Welsh and she often visits them in Llandaff just twenty miles down the road from where I live.
Ian Price
08/07/08 05:57:34AM
24 posts

Examples of Welsh Influence on America

American Welsh History

Araham LincolnThomas JeffersonJames GarfieldJohn AdamsJohn Quincy AdamsJefferson DavisThe above are six examples of American presidents that could claim Welsh antecedents.
Ian Price
08/07/08 05:47:48AM
24 posts

Examples of Welsh Influence on America

American Welsh History

Jesse OwensCarl LewisMichael JohnsonFlorence Griffith JoynerLee EvansMarion JonesMike PowellJack JohnsonRay Jones JnrFrank ThomasTony GwynnSerena WilliamsVenus WilliamsDominique DawesErnie DavisArchie GriffinFranco HarrisDeacon JonesBill LewisThurman ThomasFred WilliamsonAll of the above are black Americans successful in one way or another in their own sports. Many other black Americans have Welsh surnames.Not Wales' finest hour I would suggest as there were an inordinate number of Welsh slave owners. Their ' property ' would often take the names of their owners. Of course these slave owners would also father many children. Hence the proliferation of Welsh surnames in the black American community.
Ian Price
08/06/08 10:55:46PM
24 posts

Examples of Welsh Influence on America

American Welsh History

I'll start you all off.In 1826 a Welsh woman living in Wales called Felicia Dorothea Hemans came across an article - two years out of date - in a newspaper from Massachusetts. It had been used to wrap up some goods she'd purchased. The article concerned a founders' day celebration in Plymouth in which the Pilgrim Fathers and The Mayflower were mentioned. Inspired she took pen in hand and wrote a poem called ' The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers ( in New England ).This poem has given millions of Americans the impression that The Mayflower and it's occupants landed on Plymouth Rock. It is, I believe, still a popular image that most Americans associate with the start of the colonisation of America.Check out Bill Bryson's Made in America ( 0 552 99805 2 ) for more information.Can you think of any Welsh influences on America?
updated by @ian-price: 11/11/15 10:36:59PM
Ian Price
08/06/08 08:36:21AM
24 posts

BUNDLING. Are you for it or agin it.

American Welsh History

It was because the bundling took place in the woman's home. When this practice was in full flow it just wasn't done to tie up a man in someone else's house. Of course no one was going to send a woman to a man's house either as the parents couldn't guarantee her safety.Bundling of course gave ample opportunity for premarital sex and as is the case today a few chancers made it their business to court as many women as they could. Of course they weren't always successful in their 'lunar manoeuvres' as 'twere but when they were a surprise package was usually left behind.
Ian Price
08/05/08 08:54:02PM
24 posts

BUNDLING. Are you for it or agin it.

American Welsh History

I think that would have been the logical next step as a young man and woman could do an awful lot of damage if the man was adept at unpicking and resowing stiches. LOL
Ian Price
08/05/08 08:51:41PM
24 posts

BUNDLING. Are you for it or agin it.

American Welsh History

It was certainly prevalent here and was taken to America very early on in that country's history. Why wouldn't it be come to think of it. Early settlers would have taken their traditions with them.
Ian Price
08/05/08 08:45:59PM
24 posts

BUNDLING. Are you for it or agin it.

American Welsh History

Ha ha! A bolster was one of those long pillow case that stretched the width of a bed.
Ian Price
08/05/08 07:53:56PM
24 posts

BUNDLING. Are you for it or agin it.

American Welsh History

Bundling was a tradition peculiar to Wales, I believe, where a prospective husband was allowed to spend a night with the woman of his desire to determine whether they were compatible. To maintain propriety the woman was sown up in a bolster case such that only social intercourse took place. This was called Bundling and of course it showed the world that two young Welsh adults locked up in a bedroom all through a cold winter's night would behave with the utmost moral rectitude.Any comments?
updated by @ian-price: 11/11/15 10:36:58PM
Ian Price
08/11/08 07:31:05PM
24 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I used to work for British Rail. The anecdotes I could relate would fill a book.There was one guy called Billy Lucas who had a hair lip. His intolerence of passengers was legendary; any excuse and he'd get he'd put them of the train.One day we were working the same train and we came across a guy who started to spin us a tale of woe because he didn't have a ticket." I've been to court today and was fined 800.00 after getting involved in a fight that cost me a fortune cos I lost a packet on the nags and got drunk. On top of that my mother died this afternoon so I'm trying to get 'ome and I'm skint."Billy looked at me and then at him. " Not your lucky day is it pal?OFF..