Branch Davidians, Waco
General Discussions ( Anything Goes )
I think several domestic agencies are doing themselves and their government no favors in the fight against paranoia amongst fringe groups.
Social Security Adminstration (SSA) orders 174,000 rounds ofammunition:
Scroll down to first .pdf file and read the actual RFQ (Request for Quote).
I didn't even know the Social Security Administration had an armed wing (raising eyebrow like Mister Spock)? Why do they? Are retired senior citizens really that dangerous? I suppose a cane or aluminum walker could be hurled like a missile at SSA employees?
Department of Home Land Security (DHS, ICE) orders 450 millions rounds ofammunitionfrom just one manufacturer.
See the company's own press release (they are rightfully proud, I suppose, of this contract):
When combined with other recent contracts issued by DHS, the total number of rounds ordered by that agency are 1.6 billion rounds. Again I ask why (ringing hands like Dr. McCoy)? Perhaps there are rational reasons for this enormous stockpiling of ammo by domestic agencies. Maybe they're expecting a massive migration of hungry, rabid gophers. Think of the havoc these burrowing, hellish digging machines could reek on the richest golf courses and country clubs of the nation. I hope there's a rational reason (such as invading gophers) because, otherwise, it might needlessly fan the flames of paranoia already flickering among fringe groups.
Ooops! Nevermind (like Gilda Radner)... I see my problem. I forgot to put on my foil hat this morning.