Forum Activity for @harold-powell

Harold Powell
05/01/13 11:16:04PM
261 posts

New "expressionist" portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Ceri, I see the resemblance. All she needs is a uniform. I wonder if a Rugby referee painted this?

Harold Powell
05/01/13 10:39:36PM
261 posts

New "expressionist" portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )


I took my 9 year-old granddaughter to an art museum this past weekend and she was quite enjoying herself. When we came upon the Expressionist Gallery she stood there speechless looking about with a strange "expression" on her face (hence the name?). Not wanting to say the wrong thing I explained that expressionist art sometimes looks best when viewed from a distance. "Up close, it can look a bit...a bit...pixelated." Without a word she immediately she began backing up across the gallery, through a doorway, then another gallery, then another until she was standing at the far end of a hallway gazing at the portrait in front of me. She shrugged and walked back across the museum to where I was waiting. "Still doesn't look good..." she said.

I didn't tell her but THAT was sort of my feeling too. I braced myself because the next gallery was dedicated to modern art.

The portrait above was commissioned by the Welsh Rugby Union:

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:53PM
Harold Powell
04/28/13 01:44:00AM
261 posts

Wild Swan (having a bit of a hissy fit)


We once had six or more cobras escape from a pet shop in Springfield, Missouri. Thevenomous serpents were at large for more than 3 months terrifying the residents of the small Ozark community.The Sheriff organized "snake posses" and after frequent and repeated sightings, every attempt to capture or kill the cobras failed. Desperate, the Sheriff finally brought in an "Indian Snake Charmer" to charm the snakes with his "flute-gourd." He sat cross-legged in the back of a pickup truck and played his exotic tunes over loud speakers as they drove him about town. It didn't work. Which wasn't a surprise to trainedherpetologistsbecause snakes really can't hear--at least, not in the same sense as mammals "hear." Eventually the cobras were caught or killed. LIFE magazine printed an article called the Big Ozark Cobra Hunt.

Harold Powell
04/19/13 04:03:24PM
261 posts

Brighton's Got Talent!

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I've seen a lot of people doing this as they drive. Singing, swinging their arms, bobbing their heads, oblivious to the world. In fact, this might make a great selling exercise DVD for late night TV adverts.

The "Upper Body Workout" for commuters: "Now you can burn more than high-priced gasoline while you commute!" with the "Front Seat Gym" DVD.

Harold Powell
04/18/13 05:15:47PM
261 posts

Brighton's Got Talent!

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Yeah. Perfect music too! I love ABBA.

Harold Powell
04/18/13 03:02:51PM
261 posts

Brighton's Got Talent!

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Or "dance like nobody's watching." A bus stop, an iPod and someear-buds (and some interloper with a video phone)are all you need to dance into stardom!

updated by @harold-powell: 12/14/15 02:05:29AM
Harold Powell
04/12/13 08:21:59PM
261 posts

Former Chancellor Helmet Kohl calls for social change in the most unlikely places

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Unfortunately, it isn't an April fool's story.

Googling the subject will show it's a trend well established in Germany.

You're right, my first thought was: Just bolt the seats down!

But that "raises" a list of other problems.

Like I said, I don't think it will ever "go over" here. If I heard German being spoken in a public restroom I would assume it was just some tourist talking on his "Handy."

Harold Powell
04/12/13 06:37:03PM
261 posts

Former Chancellor Helmet Kohl calls for social change in the most unlikely places

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

During the height of the Cold War the former Soviet Union and the United States participated, albeit at arm's length, in a carefully choreographed but deadly waltz called Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). Each side stockpiled vast arsenals of weaponry capable of destroying the other many times over. I am old enough to remember those drills in elementary school when we were asked to get on our knees and put our heads under our desks for "protection." We may have been "just children" but we weren't stupid. But, we "went along" with this adult ruse because anything was better than doing arithmetic.

Taking precaution against or even targeting a deadly foe in advance is understandable. But, after the Cold War was over, manymilitaryanalysts were quite surprised when they discovered that the USSR had been pointing asizableportion of its nuclear arsenal not at the USA but at...Germany!

The colossalstruggle which took place during World War II between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, along with all the associated atrocities, the millions upon millions of dead, the very ferocity of " The Great Patriotic War," as the Soviets called it, was seared deeply in the Russian Psyche. Someanalystseven to go so far as to say that the USSR feared a revived Germany more than they did their counterpart in the America.

Moreover, fear and suspicion of the German nation is still alive and well to this very day. And it is not just limited to former Eastern Bloc nations.

But, I wonder? Is all that fear of the dreaded Hun still justified?

Fast forward: Visit a men's restroom in modern day Germany, raise the toilet seat and you may just hear the disembodied voice of former Chancellor Helmet Kohl asking you to lower the toilet seat back to its former position then choosing rather to sit and pee. The German government even has a word for it. It's called Sitzpinkler [one who sits to pee] . German school boys are taught that they should avoid being a Stehpinker [one who stands and pees] which is antisocial and that they should choose, rather, to become a Sitzpinkler .

Don't believe me? Read this:

Social change is usually accepted more easily by children and the young. But can any government do about these stubborn, regressive adult men? Well, social change takes time, and, as might be expected, sometimes it takes a wee bit of cajoling. Hence, the former chancellor of Germany was asked to help bring this necessary change to male social behavior. While it may not bepoliticallycorrect, German health officials apparently gave some serious thought to whether or not adult German males might respond with less resistance to a male chancellor asking them to sit and pee rather than the current female chancellor. After careful consideration Chancellor Angela Merkel was passed over for this important task. I know it's a bit sexist but health officials concluded, rightly or wrongly, that this job was best done by a man. There are some things that women just aren't as good at! Even a powerful 21st century woman who is the head of state.

So how can they pull this off? Through education and technology of course!

First they put up signs in bathrooms asking men to sit and pee. But someone pointed out that neanderthal men may be not to able to read. So government officials decided to take it step further by using a disembodied voice, aptly called a Spuk (or spook), which is a device that, like an iPhone, can detect whether or not it is in a horizontal or vertical position. Don't tell the Germans, but when news of this reaches Cupertino a lawsuit may be in the making. Anyway the device is attached to the bottom of a toilet seat:

When the seat is raised the chancellor immediately speaks out asking the stubborn male to lower the toilet seat back to its former position then sit down to pee. In a public toilet other patrons can hear the chancellor's voice ring out too, so that they can stare down or shun the antisocial thug emerging from a toilet stall having ignored the chancellor's pleas.

From all accounts this campaign has been very successful and supporters are now urging for its exportation elsewhere. And it may happen. However, I can honestly say that I don't think it would work very well here [in the Midwest] because so few of us speak German.

Nevertheless, I think that these new policies should go a long ways towards persuading Russia and the rest of the world that Germany has really, really, genuinely changed and that it is no longer a threat to be feared.

Still not convinced?

AmeriCymru readers are aware of some the differences in American English and British English. For instance, Americans say "cell phone" while in the UK the term "mobile phone" ispreferred.

But do you know what they call a cell phone or a mobile phone in Germany? They call it "mein [my] Handy." As in, "Has anyone seen 'mein Handy?'" Or, "I seem to have misplaced 'mein Handy.'" Or, "Where is mein Handy?"

How much more proof do you need?

I once read an article claiming that former First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, once confided to afriendthat her husband, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, had been using the rose garden just outside the Oval Office to relieve himself instead of walking a few steps farther to his private toilet. Pretty embarrassing! The President of the United States, a Stehpinker, standing outside behind a rose bush! Of course, when you think about it, a rose bush would have to be last place ever that one would choose to be a Sitzpinkler.

updated by @harold-powell: 12/17/15 11:35:25PM
Harold Powell
06/20/13 05:38:56PM
261 posts

Should Swansea be twinned with Valparaiso?

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Sounds great to me! Our little town is twinned with a town in Germany. We exchange delegations and our mayor especially enjoys the deference the German delegation gives him when speaking at our City Council. They always call him Lord Mayor. "If only Americans would do that..." he jokes.

I think the Welsh Diaspora should be recognized in every way possible!

Harold Powell
04/12/13 02:07:25PM
261 posts

Welsh is "unrecognised" on Kindle

Welsh Literature

This is ridiculous. I signed the petition. Welsh doesn't require a special character set so what's the problem? The internal Oxford Dictionary wouldn't be able to find Welsh definitions when you click on a word, but that's no big deal.

I recently noticed that Rosetta Stone is no longer offering Welsh which is sad. Why would they develop the software then drop it? The work was already done--and worked fine (Basic Level only).
