Forum Activity for @harold-powell

Harold Powell
05/28/13 01:37:42AM
261 posts

Automatic Tea Making Machine

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I think the trick would be current and voltage. Swan manufactures in China so it would be simple to have a U.S. and Canada version. I read that the clock doesn't work on US voltage which is beyond weird because most electronics use DC current even if they're plugged into AC outlet.

Harold Powell
05/27/13 02:41:03PM
261 posts

Automatic Tea Making Machine

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Automatic Tea Making Machine patented in 1902. Everything was mechanical. Nothing in the machine was dependent on electricity. The user set the time he wished to be awoken, then several minutes prior to sounding the alarm, the tea maker struck a match lighting areservoirof alcohol spirits to heat the kettle, then one minute before the alarm sounded a mechanical spring raised the kettle to pour steaming water into the pot over the tea.

Plans to mass market this invention were brought to a screeching halt when the great grandfather of Steve Jobs claimed that the maker's patent wasn't valid because it too closely resembled the mechanism inside his automatic rice cooker. Litigation bankrupted both companies.

Swan Teasmadestoicallycarried on the quest for the ultimate way to gently awaken a customer (asunobtrusively as possible) with a fresh cuppa waiting and beckoning bedside. Rumor is, though, that Cupertino is considering litigation against Swan Teasmade saying that the idea was stolen from a patented app in the iPhone which awakens the owner andsimultaneously presents the morning's headlines and stock quote for AAPL.

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:54PM
Harold Powell
05/27/13 01:36:10PM
261 posts

Hyenas in the Cambrians

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Hilarious! "Listen, we're circus elephants! We've seen men and women with giant feet, bright red noses, enormous locks of yellow, ratted, teased-up hair. We've seen ravenous men who are fire breathing, fire belching, fire eating and even high flying, high jumping, and high perching birds that look like men--but we AIN'T NEVER seen no other elephants that LOOK like THAT! We're out of here..."

Harold Powell
05/26/13 09:04:27PM
261 posts

Hyenas in the Cambrians

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I forgot to mention that we have a sizable population of hyenas too--but they tend to gravitate towards politics.

Harold Powell
05/26/13 06:30:14PM
261 posts

Hyenas in the Cambrians

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I worked hard as a lad to get funding for the Missouri Conservation Department. At one point the deer herd had dwindled in number to an estimated 750 statewide. Now the deer herd is larger than it was in pre-Columbian times. How is that possible? Because of the mixture of wilderness and agricultural lands. Wild life benefits from food sources not available before. Year to year the numbers change but in some years a single deer hunter can harvest as many as 12-25 deer. The black bear also has returned and their numbers are growing. Wild turkey are bountiful. Bobcat, lynx and now even the occasional cougar is documented.

All in all, I think wildlife is crucial and serves as a barometer for the health of the land.

Wolves? No way.

I'm not sure about the rest of his plan.

Is he joking about elephants or talking aboutwoollymammoths?

Hippos? They h ave bullet proof skin ( impenetrable by most firearms) and kill more humans in Africa than any other animal apart from machete bearing men. The good thing is: Hippos are vegetariansso they spit you out after they bite you in two. Rhinos have to literally be face-to-face before they can see you.

Harold Powell
05/17/13 11:46:35AM
261 posts

Gateholm, Pembrokeshire: island of mystery

Welsh History

If this were one of the islands in the Hawaii Island chain, that road would get an "Interstate Highway" designation.

Harold Powell
05/16/13 07:22:25PM
261 posts

Gateholm, Pembrokeshire: island of mystery

Welsh History

Thanks! I've watched Time Team on Acorn before and love it
Harold Powell
05/05/13 09:47:49PM
261 posts

Believe it or not..or not..or maybe..or could be?

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

The Dr. Who scenario did cross my mind... On the other hand I thought of the holodeck aboard the USS Enterprise-D an new old version of the Kobayashi Maru test which no Starfleet cadet ever successfully passed except Captain James T. Kirk.

Harold Powell
05/05/13 07:29:00PM
261 posts

Believe it or not..or not..or maybe..or could be?

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Ceri, that part is certainly correct. In fact, it might be harder believe if the bloke's name name weren't Hugh Williams.

Harold Powell
05/05/13 03:13:27PM
261 posts

Believe it or not..or not..or maybe..or could be?

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I have no idea if this is true..or not. But, according to mamy blogs, television programs and even Facebook "click-and-share" graphics (we all know how reliable those are) one of the strangest coincidences of all time involves the Menai Strait just off the coast of Wales:

I am pretty easy to trick. I once heard a college professor asked by a student, "Professor, did you know the word "gullible" is no where to be found in the new Oxford English Dictionary?" "Really?" the astonished professor exclaimed! "No," the student answered. We laughed.

updated by @harold-powell: 12/16/15 09:25:20PM