Forum Activity for @harold-powell

Harold Powell
10/17/13 01:33:57PM
261 posts

Obamacare Website: A $643 million dollar boondogle

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Best wishes on getting the coverage you need.

To my dismay, they still haven't corrected even the most basic programming mistakes on the site; mistakes which have been pointed out by programmers industry-wide. When calling a standard Javascript function the programmer has to spell the function's name correctly or else the script simply terminates. Duh. Personally, I wouldn't use any of Javascript's standard functions because they're too easily guessed by hackers. In fact, I wouldn't use Javascript at all except for the most basic form checking--and then, only if backed up with secondary programming.

Harold Powell
10/10/13 06:35:29PM
261 posts

Obamacare Website: A $643 million dollar boondogle

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Some results are beginning to trickle in.

Iowa has had 5 people sign up during the first week. For the most part, Iowans are nice people, although Missouri once went to war with Iowa over honey (called appropriately the Honey War).

Hawaii has had "0" zero people sign-up which they're blaming on the website. The results have been so dismal that they're conducting a second "grand opening" to their website.

Harold Powell
10/10/13 03:29:25PM
261 posts

Obamacare Website: A $643 million dollar boondogle

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I visited the first day it was open.

Like many others I received the message "We have a lot of visitors on the site right now. Please stay on this page." I wasn't too disturbed because I assumed millions upon millions of other visitors were curious too. By mid-afternoon of the first day the White House tweeted that they had finally had their first successful sign-up for Obamacare. The tweet was later deleted because it turned out the college student, a member of an advocacy group, was lying. The first tip-off was that the numbers he cited were incorrect.

Allegedly, no one knows how many citizens have purchased these newly mandated policies. California claimed it had over 3 million visitors the first day causing their site to crash. I thought, "That's a lot of people--but there's no way it should have caused their website to crash." On the national level, the main website at claimed that they were overwhelmed by millions upon millions of eager buyers. But when independent, third-party web traffic monitors began releasing their numbers it was quite a different story. Third-party monitors are necessary because so much of the World Wide Web is financed these days by ad money based upon unique visitors, "clicks and click-throughs." It's the only way to keep a website honest.

As these numbers began to be released it turned out that the main Obamacare website had about 8.9 million visitors the first day and California had 647 thousand. At first glance that may sound like a lot of visitors but in the world of, Facebook and Twitter those are incredibly small numbers.

I began to wonder if the U.S. Government was hosting this site on GoDaddy? If so, perhaps they should have chosen an account a step or two up from the economy level @ $4.95 per month?

But then I learn that they had spent $643 million dollars to build this site. That may seem like "chump change" to you but, to me, it's a lot of moola . It's more than what it cost to create and operate Facebook (for its first 6 years). It's more than it cost to build Twitter, Instagram, Linked-In, et al. Yet, for all that money, it doesn't work!

See: We paid $634 million for the Obamacare sites and all we got was this lousy 404

Keep in mind that the author of the article above is an Obamacare supporter. He was hoping it would succeed. He is not a critic.

But as a web developer myself, the thing that pains me the most is the utter stupidity and incompetence of I told my wife within the first few hours that they should have just hired to handle these rather simple tasks for them. Amazon knows how to scale webservers, databases, and load bearing DNS servers. They know how to open accounts, verify passwords, and bill users for goods purchased.

But, no, this is the Administration's signature accomplishment and the limelight cannot be shared. There's almost a cult aspect to this mentality. A cynic might ask "If it's so great why has big labor, big corporations and big political contributors been exempted? Why has the entire burden fallen on the middle class to support this accomplishment?"

Here's just one EXAMPLE of the Obamacare website's incompetence: Programming code on the site is sitting out in the open, unencrypted and free for all the world to see. Click on the link below then scroll down the page to read in plain English examples of their branching logic (caveat: I cannot believe this code hasn't yet been secured or encrypted--if you click on the link below and fail to see the code it means they have finally gotten around to fixing it):

This example of utter incompetence has been revealed and accessible on the web for many hours yet no one at has yet taken the time to encrypt that code. UNBELIEVABLE! How can anyone be this stupid!

If we or any other "Tom, Dick and Harry" can see their internal code just think what a skilled hacker can see! This site is asking visitors to divulge the most sensitive information imaginable! Perhaps it's a good thing it doesn't work.

Why did they spend SO much money for such a lousy website? Because every cent is borrowed and the US Government has no intent--zero intention--of ever paying it back. Its only concern is to bring in enough money to pay the interest on the national debt. And with an enabling Federal Reserve Bank printing and loaning money to banks at "0" zero percent interest they're pretty much guaranteed interest rates will remain artificially low.

I'm not against all government spending. The Apollo Space program costs $20 billion dollars spread out over about 10 years (that's roughly $100 billion in today's money). NASA employed 450,000 scientists, engineers and aerospace workers (counting subcontractors) and we went to the Moon. We made advances that have powered our economy for over four decades.

Now, today, we can't even send an astronaut into Space. We have to pay Russia to get our people into low Earth orbit. Our signature achievement is: we're going to impose fines on anyone who doesn't go this stupid, unworkable website and purchase insurance. We have swapped lunar exploration for lunacy.

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:39:00PM
Harold Powell
12/01/13 02:02:34PM
261 posts

Cymraeg - Language of Heaven

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

My guess is the imaging team for the Galileo Mission at JPL named most of them. However, Voyagers 1 & 2 did flyby's preceding Galileo and imaged Europa but not to the extent that Galileo did.

JPL is in Pasadena, California but the Galileo Mission had team members from all over the world.

Harold Powell
10/07/13 05:57:35PM
261 posts

Cymraeg - Language of Heaven

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

On 12 September 2013 Voyager I officially left the solar system and began it's journey into interstellar space where, as far as we know, " no man has gone before ." Aboard this spacecraft is a gold plated, 33 rpm LP record containing a star chart with coordinates to the third planet from Sol, technical instructions explaining how to play the greetings in 55 Earth languages on the flip side of the album along with an "invitation" to any alien race who stumbles across this golden jewel now, or in the distant future, to come visit us.

This Golden Record was the brain child of Astronomer Carl Sagan.

Read more about it here.

I remember thinking at the time that this might not be a good idea. Carl Sagan dismissed criticism from his colleagues saying that any civilization advanced enough to intercept mankind's first interstellar spacecraft would have, or will have, long ago put aside the primitive emotions of greed and aggression. I hope he is correct--Klingons, Romulans and the Borg notwithstanding.

Anyway, Welsh, or Cymraeg, is among the 55 Earth languages included in the greetings from Earth on the golden record. The speaker in Welsh says " Good health to you now and forever " (translated into English). The actual recording now winging its way through interstellar space is here.

Let us hope [and pray] Dr. Sagan's optimistic outlook about potential discovery by an alien race is true. After all I doubt, or at least I hope, that though we might be considered primitive they will at least consider us more than just a good source of protein.

Perhaps even more optimistic than Dr. Carl Sagan are the words from the Chineese Amoy [Min] dialect included on the record: " Friends of space, how are you all? Have you eaten yet? Come visit us if you have time ."

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:39:00PM
Harold Powell
07/14/13 02:29:44PM
261 posts

Remember when?

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Have you ever had someone dial your number by mistake?

Most people are polite and immediately apologize for their fat fingers or for having transposed numbers. But some are very rude about it and hangup angrily without uttering a sound! The rude "click" at the other end of the line seems to say that you are the one at fault for having answered your phone when they were clearly expecting someone else. Trouble is, with caller ID, the innocent party can now call back and say, "Excuse me, is this the party to whom I am speaking?" Or, "I am an international terrorist. By calling my number accidentally then failing to apologize for dialing a wrong number--the NSA agent who was listening in, has, by now, dispatched a drone to your address. I have 10 feet of reinforced concrete over my head. What do you have? Have a nice life."

The new technology of Caller ID has changed things.

However, what was new is now old and technology marches on. In addition to wrong numbers it now possible to get text messages intended for someone else. My son-in-law, Nathan, received an errant message last night. He didn't get angry. He just played along. Then he took a screen shot of the message he received and his reply:

updated by @harold-powell: 12/11/15 07:29:08PM
Harold Powell
11/26/13 01:00:31PM
261 posts

The Big Welsh Challenge

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I'm glad you posted!

I don't know the answer concerning which is more common. I believe 2/3 of Welsh people live in South Wales. However, you'll find a greater percentage of the Welsh living in the North speak the language. My family is from South Wales so South Walian it is for me.

Harold Powell
06/07/13 03:35:51PM
261 posts

The Big Welsh Challenge

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I'm sure most AC members already know about this so I posted it for newbies. This is a good supplement for beginning Welsh learners. Includes North and South Walian dialects. It's interactive and works best with FLASH but there's a scaled down version for Apple users:

Free from the BBC:

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:55PM