Rand McNally Designates Jefferson City, MO the most beautiful small town in America for 2013
General Discussions ( Anything Goes )
It gets pretty raucous alright!
Especially during the last day of session. It's not as bad, however, as in days gone by . During the "Reconstruction" period after the Civil War there were two major hotels in Jefferson City. One hotel, located where the Supreme Court Building now sits, posted a sign out front which read "No Republicans Allowed." This was especially egregious to members of the GOP because the matron and owner of the hotel was said to have cooked and served the best meals in town! Her allegiance, however, rested with the Democrat Party and the old Confederacy. Republicans were forced to stay across the street from the Governor's Mansion in a hotel called " The House of the Rising Sun. " I'm not kidding! It was apparently a common name for hotels during that period. The accommodations were said to be nicer but the food was lousy. GOP members would occasionally try to sneak into the restaurant at the Democrat hotel (to demonstrate their bipartisan nature) but would be quickly recognized and thrown out by the matron. Abolitionists were not welcome! Period.