Forum Activity for @harold-powell

Harold Powell
09/27/12 03:29:22PM
261 posts

Corps of Discovery

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Much to my surprise the Lewis and Clark Expedition showed up again yesterday here in Jefferson City. They arrived in "authentic replicas" of the keelboats used by the famous explorers then bivouacked on the North side of the river at the Norris Landing. When I heard it announced on the local news I thought it might be interesting to drive across the bridge and snap a picture.

I wasn't actually able to speak to any of the members of the Expedition because hundreds of school children where there and every young scholar, it seemed, wanted to purchase an authentic plastic Indian artifact at vending tents scattered around in the encampment.

However, this gave me ample opportunity to look over the keelboats at my leisure.

I noticed several things.

1) How nicely woven the multi-colored nylon rope appeared

2) How (not seen in the photo) each boat sported a polished stainless steel anchor

3) How the framework of the keelboats was so perfectly milled--quite an accomplishment using just pocket knives and broad axes

4) How snugly the marine-grade plywood wrapped around the perfectly milled framework. No doubt MeriwetherLewis stumbled onto a bargain sale at Home Depot in St. Charles (this may also be the store where he picked up the flags with 50 stars).

5) How that only one barrel (55 gallons) of the 120 gallons of whiskey the Expedition started out with in St Louis still remained in the boat a scant 100 miles into the long journey ahead

6) The missing whiskey might also explain the last thing I noticed about the authentic replicas: There were no oars or push poles. Those were probably floating downstream (along with the two missing barrels of whiskey) towards Chamois Landing

Harold Powell
09/21/12 11:05:33PM
261 posts

Corps of Discovery

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I think it was dedicated in 2008 or 2009.

It also serves as the trail head for Jefferson City's Greenway system which recently finished a pedestrian walkway across the Missouri River connecting the city's paved walking trails with the Katy Trail (a 200 mile trail) on the other side of the river.

Harold Powell
09/21/12 09:15:26PM
261 posts

Corps of Discovery

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I took the follow picture about 8 city blocks from my home.

It is a memorial toMeriwether Lewis (standing in officer's hat), and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which encamped here for several days(about 6 miles downstream) during 1803. The building visible directly behind the memorial is the East Wing of the Missouri Capitol Building housing the Senate. The Southt Portico of the Capitol facing south is guarded by a imposing statue of President Thomas Jefferson who commissioned the Lewis and Clark Expedition. President Jefferson corresponded with Lewis in Welsh and directed him to take the northern route (north and west) because it was there that legend suggested that Prince Madoc and his descendants may have settled centuries earlier. Indigenous tribes along the way described a tribe of "white Indians" which spoke a strange dialect. But Lewis never found them.

It was at this same encampment that the two Corps of Discovery went there separate ways. Lewis and Clark took the northern route and Zebulon Pike, at Jefferson's instruction, took the southern route and ultimately explored the Osage, Arkansas and Red Rivers valleys. While the two Corps of Discovery split apart at the same location (about 6 miles from here), they were not at the same encampment at the same time. Lewis and Clark set out first and were first followed by the Pike Expedition about 2 years later. The southern route of the Corps of Discovery named Pike's Peak in Colorado after the Leader of their team.

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:26PM
Harold Powell
09/18/12 07:00:59PM
261 posts

Sainsbury's Got Talent

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Jack, I hate to remind you, but the TSA probably took a picture of it through your clothing when you reentered the country but whether or not Fleet Street is interested is yet to be seen.

Harold Powell
09/18/12 05:25:49PM
261 posts

Sainsbury's Got Talent

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Jack, it's good to see you back home.

Harold Powell
09/18/12 04:40:58PM
261 posts

Sainsbury's Got Talent

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

A typical grocery market (which could be anywhere) with a stack of karaoke machines on sale (trying to compete with local electronic outlets). A customer steps up and takes the microphone of the one, demo machine on display and begins to sing...

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:25PM
Harold Powell
09/23/12 01:22:12PM
261 posts

The Stories of Rhys - Children's Welsh book series

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Janet, I frequently encounter that error when I try to by a Kindle book via It is strange because I have an account there and I can buy cloth and paper bound books and have them shipped via regular post but they block the sale of some eBooks. But most of the time the same Kindle book is available at and I have no trouble.

Harold Powell
10/02/12 05:01:33PM
261 posts

The Stories of Rhys - Children's book series

Welsh Literature


I keep hundreds of books on my Kindle 3. Many are reference books including two translations of the Bible, three exhaustive dictionaries (American and Oxford English) and I haven't even scratched the surface. It will hold over 3,000 volumes and the battery stays charged 31 days. My Kindle 3 also gives me instant access to Google and Wikipedia using the built-in browser.

But, my wife and I also have over 5,000 volumes in our traditional library and wouldn't trade them for anything.

However, looking at your photo, I can tell you that your collection of CWRW bottles will not fit in the Kindle.

Harold Powell
10/02/12 01:57:40PM
261 posts

The Stories of Rhys - Children's book series

Welsh Literature

I purchased the Kindle edition and whenever available I prefer it that way.

However, for children I think a printed version would be better.

My main Kindle is black and white only. But I also have Kindle on my Desktop in color--but I hate to read a book on a desktop PC or notebook, my Android Galaxy S3 smartphone is in color--and I do use it to read whenever I have to wait for any reason or my iPad which is in color-but is ridiculously overpriced and really not worth the extra bucks unless you're a developer like me and have to buy one I call the iPad my Bing machine because Apple has declared war on Google and is doing everything in their partisan little minds they can think of to block their users from using Google products--which are superior to the Bing search engine, iOS6 Maps, etc. The Kindle Fire is in color and is fine for children and is a Fork of Android but not everyone has one.

If you go with or you can sell your book in printed form one copy at a time: hardback or paper back.

Harold Powell
09/09/12 04:17:15AM
261 posts

St. George - Patron Saint of the English

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

The artist is unknown but the painting was commissioned by the Monis family of Frankfort ca 1492.