Forum Activity for @harold-powell

Harold Powell
12/17/12 02:28:30PM
261 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Makes you wonder if she was one of the Mayan doomsday crowd. Her house looked like a palace! Or, as we tend to call them, a McMansion.

Many middle school and secondary public schools (high schools) in America now have armed police on campus. They're euphemistically called SRO's or Student Resource Officers. Personally, I think that's a sign of surrender. It's capitulation to the unruly elements of the student body who should be expelled not policed.

The Mayor of Chicago recently announced a new reform in their public (national) school system: Only one gang per school. Whenever one school has rival gangs enrolled, he explained, it will inevitably lead to conflict. So his solution is to separate those gangs. For example, "Bloods" no longer have to attend the same school as "Crypts"--and vice versa. Though unintentional, I'm sure, it also makes it easier for gang members to extort lunch money, iPods and iPhones from the rest of the student body. Each school becomes an exclusive franchise if you will.

Harold Powell
12/17/12 01:27:42PM
261 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Thanks Ceri for the link to the article on Canadian gun control. It's very informative.

My son-in-law's little sister was a student at Columbine at the time of the shootings. We heard the first news snippets then quickly gathered at our house and sat transfixed in front of the TV that entire afternoon. His little sister was in the very last group to emerge and when it did the cameras zoomed in and we saw her face!

We learned later that CNN had actually put her life in grave danger by announcing the location where she and her fellow students were hiding. A reporter wandering among the assembled, terrified parents overheard part of a mobile phone conversation between one of the students and her Mom saying that they were hiding in a closet in the glee club room. The closet had a metal door and they had barricaded the door with a piano. The reporter immediately announced this juicy tidbit and the shooters overheard it because they had reset all the televisions in the school to CNN or Fox News. One of them immediately went to the music room, attempted to break into the closet, then emptied his gun on the door and the wall. The barricade held.

Harold Powell
12/16/12 03:07:46PM
261 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Thanks Gaynor. Morgan Freeman is the best!

Ceri, I didn't mean to skirt your question.

The numbers you cite from the Google+ article are ignoring the murder rate. The United States is a nation of 300 million citizens. Any statistic you cite will reflect larger numbers because of our larger population.

According to the United Nations our murder rate is about 1/2 that of Russia--a country of similar size and diversity but with strict gun control. That said, our murder rate exceeds most of Western Europe by 2 to 3 times or about 4.2 persons per 100,000 residents. Compare that to Bermuda which has a murder rate of 12.2 (with laws similar to the UK) or Mexico 16.9 which is four times our murder rate. African nations lead the way but the Honduras has the largest murder rate of 91.6 per 100,000.

That said, most countries throughout the world experience greater murder rates in urban areas. Most of rural America has a murder rate about the same as Western Europe meaning that if you live in Detroit, Washington D.C., New Orleans or Chicago (for instance) the murder rate is higher than the national average.

Harold Powell
12/16/12 01:57:37PM
261 posts

Guns In The USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Breaking one prong off a fork does not make it any less dangerous if wielded as a weapon.

An incident in 1927 in Bath, Michigan still remains the largest massacre of innocent school children in US history. Theperpetrator backthen was a disgruntled Council member who had been outvoted on a design proposal for a new school. He retaliated by secretly visiting the construction site each night and packing explosives inside the walls. This premeditated act of sabotage took two years to finalize. Then, on the day of the massacre, a faulty wire limited thecataclysmto just one wing of the school but still killed 45 and seriously injured another 58. He had planned to kill them all without firing a single shot.

In Bath, Michigan the "why" was documented by the perpetrator himself in notes left behind. It was clearly revenge against fellow Council members.

But there are other prongs on the fork.

Mass media has given rise to the worship ofcelebrities. In fact, our modern gods no longer sip ambrosia beneath the marble pillars of Olympus; but, reside, instead, beneath the swaying palms of Malibu where their every move is chronicled ad infinitum. And there seems to be no downside. Every deed only brings more fame and more fortune.

There are those among us who crave fame at any cost.

One day I was standing outside a state office building across from the Capitol Building here in Jefferson City waiting for a bus. A TV reporter towing a cameraman approached me and asked if I "liked" the new the shuttle service? I said "Yes." He then asked me if he could interview me about the new bus stop. I politely turned him down but as he began to walk away I offhandedly said to him, "Boy, this must be a bad day for news..." He whipped around and answered, "No, it's been a very good day! A train hit a pickup over at Centertown killing three...and earlier this afternoon there was a bank robbery in Columbia!"

I remember thinking at the time, "We must have very different ideas of what constitutes a good and bad day..."

Here's what Morgan Freeman, the actor, wrote yesterday on his Facebook page about "why" this great tragedy in Connecticut happened:

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed

people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."

Following Morgan's advice I deliberately left out mentioning the perpetrator's name. His name should be removed from every lip. We should go to great lengths to accomplish this like the ancient Egyptians did with despotPharaohs--chiseling out their names from monuments and memories.

Here is who we should remember:

Sandy Hill students:

- Charlotte Bacon, 2/22/06, female

- Daniel Barden, 9/25/05, male

- Rachel Davino, 7/17/83, female.

- Olivia Engel, 7/18/06, female

- Josephine Gay, 12/11/05, female

- Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 04/04/06, female

- Dylan Hockley, 3/8/06, male

- Dawn Hocksprung, 06/28/65, female

- Madeleine F. Hsu, 7/10/06, female

- Catherine V. Hubbard, 6/08/06, female

- Chase Kowalski, 10/31/05, male

- Jesse Lewis, 6/30/06, male

- James Mattioli , 3/22/06, male

- Grace McDonnell, 12/04/05, female

- Anne Marie Murphy, 07/25/60, female

- Emilie Parker, 5/12/06, female

- Jack Pinto, 5/06/06, male

- Noah Pozner, 11/20/06, male

- Caroline Previdi, 9/07/06, female

- Jessica Rekos, 5/10/06, female

- Avielle Richman, 10/17/06, female

- Lauren Russeau, 6/1982, female (full date of birth not specified)

- Mary Sherlach, 2/11/56, female

- Victoria Soto, 11/04/85, female

- Benjamin Wheeler, 9/12/06, male

- Allison N. Wyatt, 7/03/06, female

Harold Powell
12/17/12 03:35:02PM
261 posts

Check your written text for grammar and plagiarism

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Thanks! Got it! It's a superb article! I forwarded it to my daughter.

Harold Powell
12/17/12 02:37:52PM
261 posts

Check your written text for grammar and plagiarism

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I keep getting a page not found Gaynor.

Sounds interesting though.

Harold Powell
12/12/12 03:48:42PM
261 posts

Check your written text for grammar and plagiarism

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

They must have something against Homer because when I ran this quote:

"Marge, don't discourage the boy! Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel."

It found it as an original text even though Homer Simpson is clearly the author.

Here's proof:

Harold Powell
12/12/12 02:59:30PM
261 posts

Check your written text for grammar and plagiarism

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

My first choice was Dylan Thomas' Do not go Gentle into that Good Nigh t . While Grammarly severely chastised his use of grammar--it did recognize that the piece may have been plagiarized.

Harold Powell
12/12/12 12:35:16PM
261 posts

Check your written text for grammar and plagiarism

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Check your written text for grammar andplagiarism.

As a test I entered the following text:

There is the heat of love, the pulsing rush of longing, the lovers whisper, irresistiblemagic to make the sanest man go mad.

Grammarly passed it with flying colors: Grammar, punctuation and originality. Sorry about that Homer! It was taken from the Iliad .

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:31PM