David Western


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LOVESPOONS trace their roots back to the 1600’s. They are hand carved tokens of love or high esteem, each an extraordinary work of art. 

My individually designed, hand-carved LOVESPOONS are a unique art form which  can be given at a wide range of occasions. They make memorable wedding gifts, lovely anniversary markers and are wonderful, personal presents at housewarmings,  christenings,  birthdays or any other occasion where a deep  degree of caring and individuality are important.

I have been carving lovespoons for over 20 years and have made it something of a mission to promote this lovely tradition as much as possible.  To that end, I have written two books, “The Fine Art of Carving Lovespoons” and “Lovespoons: The Art and Traditions of a Romantic Craft” and I contribute regular articles to WoodCarving Magazine (UK) and Woodcarving Illustrated (USA).  Although I make a few ‘off the rack’ spoons, the vast majority of my work is done to custom commission, enabling me to work directly with my clients to create a design which perfectly reflects their personal circumstances.It is my firm belief that no gift you can give will ever embody the depth of love, sentiment and passion that a love spoon can.  If you require a special present for your self, your loved-ones or for someone you hope will become a loved-one, you owe it to yourself to commission one of my exceptional hand-crafted lovespoons.

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David Western
@david-western • 5 years ago

Today is David Western's Birthday
David Western
@david-western • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Today is David Western's Birthday
David Western
@david-western • 9 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new forum topic "Welsh Lovespoons What Are They To You?":
"I'm interested in hearing from Welsh and non-Welsh alike to learn what, in your opinion, constitutes a good Welsh love -spoon.  What do you believe are the..."
David Western
@david-western • 9 years ago • comments: 0
Posted new YouTube video(s):
David Western Lovespoons

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Brian y Tarw Llwyd
01/01/17 01:55:08PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy Birthday to you! May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

David Western
09/10/08 11:02:06PM @david-western:
Hi CeriI'll send them today.Thanks!Dave
Ceri Shaw
09/09/08 08:58:41PM @ceri-shaw:
Can you email me the pic as an attachment? My email address is americymru@gmail.com Will look at the interview link now.
Ceri Shaw
09/09/08 05:42:33PM @ceri-shaw:
We'll be happy to put the mighty Americymru propaganda machine entirely at your disposal....lol. Will send interview questions either today or tomorrow. Please get us anything you can from the publisher ( promo materials etc a copy of the book if poss ).CofionCeri shaw
Wild Canary
09/09/08 05:24:54PM @wild-canary:
Thank you, so much for the offer of help. Though I am not a consumer at the moment, I know plenty of people who would love to have your book. I will pass the info along to them.We have a good amount of apple, and some cherry on the property. I had set aside some apple for my project,intending it for when the snow falls.With all the rain we have plenty of wet wood now:)I guess I could get started. I have a year til my 40th wedding anniversary.
Wild Canary
09/07/08 08:29:39PM @wild-canary:
Hey, David, congrats on the book. Your work is stunning. I cherish a little love spoon that me mom brought back from Wales. It is, of course, a tourist spoon, not a work of art like yours. But I broke it once and tenderly mended it, then wrote a poem about it.My Aunt, an artist, gave me instructions last year of how to dry my own wood and begin to carve my own spoon. The wood is drying.I will enjoy seeing your web page.Thanks for sharing.
08/27/08 01:27:04AM @gaabi:
Hello, David!I'll put something up on it with an Amazon link, too. If you send me one, we'll do a review on the static site, americymru.com, also and spam it all over the internet, with a press release if you don't mind.Also, did you see we're stupid enough to try to organize a big fat Eisteddfod here with rock bands, et all, next year? Ceri made a group for it, Left Coast Eisteddfod, go and check it out. Would you be interested in coming down for that and hawking your book and displaying your work here in Portland?
08/25/08 09:44:53PM @gaabi:
Hello, David! Ceri said you wrote him to say your book is done and coming out - please be sure to post it here on your page with a link to purchase it on Amazon. Congratulations and very well done on completing that, what a fantastic accomplishment!
Ceri Shaw
08/24/08 01:45:44AM @ceri-shaw:
Great news about the book and thanks for letting us know about it. Feel free to put up a blogpost if you wish. If you would like us to help promote the book please send us a jpg of the front cover together with some accompanying text and we'll put an ad on the site.DiolchCeri