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i too looked at the new pitch shopping complex and i,m scratching me ead , its only going to seat 30k , if they want to go to div one they have to spend big bucks , and that means large crowds , and i dont think a 30k seat stadium will cover the wage bill?
Yeah I checked after I posted. Only half finished. Look forward to seeing it in all its glory when its completed. Shame to see the old place go but if Cardiff is gonna go into the premier league one day then I guess they need something a little grander. Cheers.. Ceri
its hard to belive this but still ninian park holds the record for a crowd 69 thousand for a regular game bluebirds innit boyo
as soon as whimpeys builds it i,ll send you one
Got any pics of the new one?
' du buttie how long you been a city fan then? "" oh not long boyo "