Botched Restoration

Michael Hill
09/13/12 02:23:53AM
2 posts

it's eerie.....the eyes follow you into your dreams,

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
08/24/12 05:50:46PM
302 posts

Ha, ha!! I'm wondering if that's supposed to be a Bourbon biscuit in his mouth.

Harold Powell
08/24/12 04:44:01PM
261 posts

Her picture has probably already been programmed into the facial recognition software used by the Vatican police!

08/24/12 04:33:43PM
135 posts

Yes! It looks like maybe around the mouth.

08/24/12 04:32:39PM
135 posts

Ceri and I were wondering how she'd re-do the Sistine Chapel - a big blobby yellow bit for the almighty and then blobby, blobby, blobby? It almost looks a little impressionist-abstract interesting except for those eyes like my fourth grade students did last year? This is such an amazing train wreck of a story.

08/24/12 04:29:26PM
135 posts

"I don't understand what went wrong, I used brown, too!"

Ceri Shaw
08/24/12 04:12:45PM
568 posts

lol....diolch for posting Harold.

Harold Powell
08/24/12 04:11:44PM
261 posts

I know it's not funny....but, I can't keep from laughing.

I wonder when she finally decided that she'd better stop before things got worse?

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
08/24/12 04:08:03PM
302 posts

I'd seen a picture of the painting before she got to it and another picture of it when she'd done a bit of scraping but her painting is just unbelievable! It looks like a yeti painted by Francis Bacon.

Harold Powell
08/24/12 03:06:05PM
261 posts

You've probably seen this but if you haven't it's really funny!

An elderly lady tried to restore a painting in her church.

The story:

One of my favorite comments is the bloke who said, "She should have told the priest that when she scraped the old paint off she found a Picaso underneath..."

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:19PM