Dreamin' of a Welsh Christmas....

Judy Duvall
12/09/08 05:03:54AM
1 posts
Thanks for your posting. Enjoyed it and the link you provided. Nadaollg Llawen! Judy Duvall
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
10/24/08 11:38:24PM
33 posts
Here's a bit to practice one's Welsh on! http://cy.wikipedia.org/wiki/Si%C3%B4n_Corn
Neil Hughes
10/24/08 11:04:39PM
37 posts
Mari Llwyd, the grey mare comes from the Mabinogion, from the tale of Rhiannon(I think)the grey mare who could never be caught.Just shows how many of our Christmas traditions have roots in our pagan,celtic past.
10/24/08 10:34:34PM
135 posts
and here's another interesting link: http://www.christmasarchives.com/wales.html and it says the tradition of men singing together from 3am to 6am called PLYGAIN means "cockcrow" - ha!and another http://www.christmasarchives.com/how2welsh.html
10/24/08 10:28:08PM
135 posts
And, if you're Welsh, do you do Christmas and what do you do?Ceri said that also wasn't much of a bid deal for his family. My family didn't do much for it, some years we just had pizza and went out to the Chinese movies, other years we had presents and even a live tree we planted in our front yard. Today I make a big deal of this with my kids, of decorating the house, getting a tree and letting them decorate it, making presents for relatives and cookies for friends and neighbors, driving around to look for the biggest and most godawful display of lights on other people's houses, and making a special breakfast Christmas day.I found this BBC article on Welsh Christmas traditions: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/christmas/sites/content/pages/customs.shtml and I really liked the taffy making thing.
updated by @gaabi: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM