The Future : A Retrospective

Paul Steffan Jones AKA
11/16/16 08:09:02PM
13 posts

Saxifrage non Anglo-Saxon

equinox economic migrants

just like you and me

so come in join me in

a draught of peace mead

and supermarket Spanish red wine

and toast the Cathars

subsumed within the contours

of bottles

as good as any place anywhere

in this imperfect present tense

the light at windows

creates a space

no great shakes

lily white imaginings

magic thinking

what happens to odours when

they have expired?

what becomes of expiated

thought processes?

is the past still alive

and being continually re-invented?

or are we all dead and interred

in the defining moments

of our respective countries?

a wasp-induced September

with insects queuing at exterior lights

while rotting fruits

marry fallen leaves

in stagnant holy water

the Earth still moves

updated by @paul-steffan-jones2: 11/19/16 11:52:46PM