There Is No Plan B by Bill Lythgoe

11/15/16 11:23:16PM
112 posts

Exploit the world’s resources – yes you can.

Accumulate the wealth that sets you free

and help us implement the master plan.


A healthy profit’s more important than

a giant panda or a chimpanzee.

Exploit the world’s resources – yes you can.


Ignore the drones that home in, hover, scan

then kill in places you will never see

and help us implement the master plan.


Forget man’s inhumanity to man –

that’s how it is; how it will always be.

Exploit the world’s resources – yes you can.


The shit will never really hit the fan.

We know the score, accept our guarantee

and help us implement the master plan.


There is no global warming frying pan.

No fire will burn the likes of you and me.

Exploit the world’s resources – yes you can

and help us implement the master plan.

updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM