THE ARTY FARTY PARTY - Contributed by Paul Durden
Having met you on one occasion a few years ago Paul, I thnk it is fair to say that you represent everything that is negative about Wales.Ths site is a fantastic bridge that provides those of us who are positive and use our talent to connect with our ex patriots and friends in America.Although I know it will fall on deaf ears. Please leave this site alone.
...."rather than the completely bonkers, eccentric, real life thing"? I must be a genius.LOL
Wasn't there a song with ratatatatatatatatatatatatatat in it by Manhattan Transfer? Or wasn't that a ditty run off in WW1?
As my old man used to say "You cant beat a bit of art" Might i suggest blue body paint for the paramilitaries?
Revolution, Freedom, Liberty, Power, Strength through a bit of Art. If it aint Art it aint worth a fart. Lets face it the company of Arty farty types is much more rewarding than say Sporty types, or Religious bigot types both intellectually and sexually. Having said that I must admit that I did have a very funny bunk up with a born again Christian once or twice in the sixties, which I can now put down to research, hands on field work you could say. She can now be found flogging the oracle outside Brecon Cathedral every Friday night, well its a change init and a lot cheaper than frozen cod. Art is the only valuable worldwide commodity that we can all relate to. Food Art, Music Art, Sport Art, Art Art etc,etc. Hospital, Schools, and Prisons all use Art as a form of therapy there on there way. What is our policy on war you may ask, Easy, check out Picassos Guernica. The F W A Free Wales Artists our paramilitary wing will only be issued with paint ball guns. There is a rumour though that down in West Wales a local woman fellow artist is in the process of manufacturing a paint ball armoured tank. Cant wait to see that little baby out on the firing range, even perhaps one day on the battlefield. In fact at this moment Im in a bit of a dilemma as regards the style of my new summer outfit, yes its going to be suicide, paintbomber, camouflage chic. The Welsh National Eisteddfod should become one massive Arts festival, the language of the whole Welsh nation/population being Art. Our policy on Gay and Lesbian equality. Fifty percent of artists are of this persuasion anyway so no problemo. Art collages have always been seen as a breeding ground for change. Lets give them ultimate power, they cant do much worse than the present powers that be, can they. Perhaps we can qualify for an Arts council grant to finance our proposals. Margam steelworks in Port Talbot I bet could give that Andrew Gormley bloke a run for his money. Gorseinon Abattoir would make mincemeat out of Damien Hurst. The Afghan war, lets see a few of Tracy Emmins tents out on the front line, Oh how I would love to here someone shouting out in broken Afghani give us a break darling So let us never be allowed to forget that bad Art is a lot much better than no bloody Art at all. Our business from now on is all out victory. The present political path that we are being dragged down is leading us to nevereverland fast. The Welsh Assembly Government. Wakey, Wakey. Gawd help us what a bunch of plane Janes, thats just the ones called Jane. Its as if the Tie Rack or as they say in Welsh the Rack Tie teamed up with M&S for there morbid little springtime funeral collection. If I catch one more of our AMs even mention there much drooled over infrastructure, and how its about to change our lives, or there beloved, strategically placed M4 corridor, I will personally arrange out of my own slush fund for Ron Davies ex bum chum, de Rastafarian one, to drop in on the Assembly with his big bad bong filled to the brim with some of Wales most potent herb, then systematically blow a few members minds into a relatively safe close earth orbit, far above our capitols ring road, well out of harms way. Mark my words it would defiantly add colour, depth, and a bit of fun to there dire tantric debates, perhaps even make there live TV coverage almost watchable. Well maybe, we can only live in hope. Just to push my point home on a hill overlooking Swansea there is a young, chubby, boy who goes by the name of Shaheen, now this lad cant dance, cant sing, and cant write songs. But we are constantly being told by the media that he is going to be the next Michael Jackson, at first I thought he was blind and he had been mistaken for Little Stevie Wonder before I realized it must be his mother who buys his clothes for him. So there is hope on a local level its Arty and really, really surreal. Paul Durden
updated by @ceri-shaw: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM