Forum Activity for @ken-thomas2

Ken Thomas2
01/30/11 11:51:13PM
4 posts

What is this site about?

Promoting Wales in the USA

I have been a member of this website for a while now and have actively contributed. I entered the Welsh Coast Eisteddford Welsh Language Poetry Competition last year and am still awaiting the result despite being promised that it would happen in October/November time.

I have bought a novel fom the site and uploaded several Welsh themed videos.I also worked extremely hard to drum up support for the charity bid for funding last year.

I now see that we are being asked to support the next Welsh Coast Eisteddofd where Paul Childs ( a professional artist) will open the event.

There must be dozens of choirs or less well known artists who would grab the chance to perform at this event.If you are lacking contacts, please let me know.

Please help me understand what's going on?

updated by @ken-thomas2: 11/11/15 10:37:42PM
Ken Thomas2
01/31/11 12:07:26AM
4 posts

How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It

Promoting Wales in the USA

The title of your blog should make every welsh person reading it cry out and want to vote Yes for having a chance to actually decide on laws that affect us.

We have so many talented people who can make us a proud nation and stand up for ourselves, instead of havng our Assembly's democtratic decisions overseen by our neighbouring country in England

Ken Thomas2
06/26/10 11:59:45PM
4 posts

Welsh Pirates

Welsh History

Barti Ddu o Casnewi bachY morwr tal a'r chwerthiniad iachEfo fydd y lliw ar llong a'r criwBarti Ddu o Gasnewi bach
Ken Thomas2
06/18/10 12:06:54AM
4 posts

THE ARTY FARTY PARTY - Contributed by Paul Durden

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Having met you on one occasion a few years ago Paul, I thnk it is fair to say that you represent everything that is negative about Wales.Ths site is a fantastic bridge that provides those of us who are positive and use our talent to connect with our ex patriots and friends in America.Although I know it will fall on deaf ears. Please leave this site alone.