Ceri Shaw



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Blaenau Ffestiniog.

Category: Music
Duration: 00:04:03
Cyfyr o can Tebot Piws. A cover of a song by Tebot Piws (purple teapot) performed by Gwibdaith Hen Fran at there local pub ( Y Ring )

Ceri Shaw
12/14/12 11:07:40PM @ceri-shaw:

For some reason the link below refuses to work on the home page BUT if you go to the video page itself, it works fine :)

Ceri Shaw
12/14/12 11:05:36PM @ceri-shaw:

I suppose I should add that I found this video in a blogpost by Welsh comic genius NoGood Boyo;- We'll Keep a Whetstone in the Hillsides
