Ceri Shaw



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Resistance - Movie Trailer

Duration: 00:02:21
http://www.blockbuster.co.uk - Sarah Lewis, a 26-year-old farmer's wife, awakes one morning to find that her husband has disappeared along with all the men i...

Ceri Shaw
11/20/11 09:23:01PM @ceri-shaw:

Ceri Shaw
11/20/11 07:56:35PM @ceri-shaw:

Support the Resistance :) Message from author, Owen Sheers:-

"Dear all,

Please find attached an e-flyer for the film adaptation of my novel RESISTANCE. The filmmakers have worked incredibly hard with a very small budget to make a beautiful, intelligent film. If you think you know someone in the UK who might like to see it then please do forward this flyer and, if possible, encourage them to go and see the film over the opening weekend ofNovember 25th, 26th, 27th. Without a good opening weekend, regardless of positive reviews, it can be all too easy for small independent films like this to slip out of sight before anyone even knows they're there.
For those of you in London, if you'd like to join us, I and some of the cast will be going to the Odeon Panton St for the late showing on Friday 25th November.
For those in Cardiff myself and some of the cast will be doing a Q and A after the 5.30pm showing at Chapter Arts centre on Saturday 26th November.
Other venues for the film, including Sheffield, Glasgow, Cambridge, Port Talbot are listed on the flyer.
Many thanks, and if you do see the film, I hope you enjoy it.
best wishes,

Ceri Shaw
11/20/11 07:04:25PM @ceri-shaw:

For more info...movie flyer and link to book reviews. Go here:- http://americymru.net/profiles/blogs/resistance-owen-sheers-the-movie