Ceri Shaw



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Americymru 4: Pledge Drive - Please Help Get DGJ To The USA!

Duration: 00:04:21
To pledge money in support of this noble cause please copy and paste this link: http://www.indiegogo.com/DGJ-In-The-USA-Will-He-Make-It-To-LA

mona everett
05/07/11 03:35:34PM @mona-everett:
Never mind--it works now.
mona everett
05/07/11 03:31:43PM @mona-everett:
No messages on Youtube and I still can't post one--can you?
mona everett
05/07/11 11:01:19AM @mona-everett:
That's what I was talking about--the sentence ended with a "::" but no link. Thanks! I did watch it on YouTube, too, and could not add a comment--not sure if it was me or YouTube. Will look todayto see if there are any comments there.

Ceri Shaw
05/07/11 04:34:20AM @ceri-shaw:
Sorry Mona...I didnt follow your drift in the email but I have added the pledge url above now
mona everett
05/07/11 01:11:17AM @mona-everett:
Awesome job! Hope lots of $$ flow in!