Ceri Shaw



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bizzarely, a hugely popular folk song about a dead hedghog

Duration: 00:03:06
Draenog Marw

David Campbell
03/06/12 08:58:58PM @david-campbell:

Does anyone know the words to Draenog Marw yn Cymraeg? I am taking Welsh from Prifysgol Bangor and we are looking at this song for a little extra enrichment (actually it was mentioned in our materials). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ceri Shaw
09/25/09 03:50:21AM @ceri-shaw:
Gwych....diolch. Tomorrow is my weekly sixpack night....reckon I'll take a look at them then. Havent seen it for years.
Gareth Williams3
09/25/09 03:42:51AM @gareth-williams3:
Regarding Grand Slam . I've embedded the 8clips ,so all there hopefully
Ceri Shaw
09/24/09 07:19:46AM @ceri-shaw:
Of course it is +8....maybe I need to get some sleep too....basic math no longer functional:)
Gareth Williams3
09/24/09 07:16:52AM @gareth-williams3:
7am now.
Ceri Shaw
09/24/09 07:11:25AM @ceri-shaw:
haha...I know the feeling....fortunately I have some prescription knockout drops which i am going to indulge myself with in a few minutes. Another trip to the bank in the morning.....too much excitement:)
Ceri Shaw
09/24/09 07:09:04AM @ceri-shaw:
No worries...what is it there now 5 a.m.?
Gareth Williams3
09/24/09 07:07:42AM @gareth-williams3:
*video* I need sleep
Gareth Williams3
09/24/09 07:06:23AM @gareth-williams3:
Regarding Grand Slam, Yes I think so, but not gone through them, I did see there was up to 8th installment atleast.The other Gareth Williams ........ oops I think I replied to a message to him from you on the Rasda Gwyn video. Thought I probably tried uploading/embedding the visdeo and it failed. I think I need more sleep.
Ceri Shaw
09/24/09 06:37:11AM @ceri-shaw:
I remember the other Gareth Williams on here mentioning it in a forum somewhere so i thought I'd put it on. ..btw...diolch for all the content youve put on here today. As soon as i get the time I'll go through it all and feature some more of it. Is the whole of Grand Slam on YouTube?