Ceri Shaw



Playlists: 6
Blogs: 1938
events: 233
youtube videos: 537
SoundCloud Tracks: 21
images: 827
Files: 55
Invitations: 9
Groups: 33
audio tracks: 1098
videos: 8

Night of The Living Bards 2010

Duration: 00:06:01
Night of The Living Bards 2010 - highlights, recorded at the Buffalo gap, Portland, Oregon. DVD now available for purchase!!

Ceri Shaw
11/30/10 09:24:55PM @ceri-shaw:
If you wish to purchase a copy of the DVD please pay via the PayPal donate button on the AmeriCymru homepage ( left hand column half way down the page ), price $35 for double DVD , and email your postal address to americymru@gmail.com