Ceri Shaw



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SHE'S GOT SPIES - Wedi Blino

Category: Music
Duration: 00:02:38
Wedi Blino (Tired) single released on 08/11/2019
Sengl newydd Wedi Blino allan ar 08/11/2019

Camera and production by Laura Nunez

Filmed in Antarctica in March 2018

Find the single here: http://bit.ly/WediBlino

Follow She's Got Spies here:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shes_got_spies
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shesgotspies/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shesgotspiesmusic/
Bandcamp: https://shesgotspies.bandcamp.com/

Vocals, keyboard 2, drum programming - Laura Nunez
Guitar - Gareth Middleton
Keyboard 1, bass - Frank Naughton

Written by Laura Nunez

Produced by Frank Naughton / Laura Nunez
Recorded in Tŷ Drwg, Cardiff

Mastered by Reel Time Sound

Single cover photo and design by Laura Nunez

Mewn twll, angen dringo allan,
Gormod o ddrafferth dwi'n aros yma,
Achos dwi wedi blino o bopeth heddiw.
Troi i ffwrdd a checio allan

Wedi blino
Wedi blino
Wedi blino
Wedi blino

Pob cam fel y cam olaf,
Mae popeth yn edrych fel yr un peth.
Mae'r byd wedi colli'r plot,
Methu gweld y pwynt i fod yma

Wedi blino
Wedi blino
Wedi blino
Wedi blino

Wedi blino angen cysgu
Wedi blino, byth yn ddysgu

Wedi blino
Wedi blino
Wedi blino
Wedi blino