Ceri Shaw



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You Give A Little Love -The Indoor Mortal Orchestra

Category: Music
Duration: 00:03:57

Following weeks of preparation, at 9pm on 1st May, The Indoor Mortal Orchestra, a 17-strong virtually-assembled collective of music professionals, began the bewildering challenge of crowdsourcing a mini-orchestra & array of vocalists to record, produce & release a charity single cover of 'You Give a Little Love'’ — all in 24 hours.

This over-ambitious challenge was inspired by comedian Mark Watson's 24-hour Watsonathon on-line fundraising event. All profits are in aid of the charities FareShare (national network of charitable food redistributors), Hospice IGN (the professional association for UK Hospice fundraisers) & NextUp’s Heckle The Virus fund (supporting out-of-work circuit comedians.)

Twitter: www.twitter.com/indoormortals

Facebook: https://fb.me/indoormortals


fareshare.org.uk/ — national network of charitable surplus and unwanted food redistributors

www.hospice-ign.org.uk/ — professional association for UK Hospice fundraisers

Nextupcomedy.com/ — emergency fund for COVID-19 displaced professional comedians

Mark Watson:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/watsoncomedian

Event Fund: www.gofundme.com/f/the-watsonathon