Ceri Shaw



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Dylan Thomas — A Visit to America

Duration: 00:10:38
Dylan Thomas A Visit to America Photograph: Sent by Dylan Thomas to his friend Vernon Watkins from one of his US reading tours, with fool written over it i...

Ceri Shaw
01/28/14 12:13:46AM @ceri-shaw:

In this centenary year it is good to remind ourselves just how great, and very entertaining DT could be. Talking of European speakers on the US lecture circuit he gives us the following description:-

"There they go, every spring, from new York to Los Angeles: exhibitionists, polemicists, histrionic publicists, theological rhetoricians, historical hoddy-doddies, balletomanes, ulterior decorators, max-factored actors, windbags and bigwigs and humbugs, men in love with stamps, men in love with steaks, men after millionares' widows, men with elephantiasis of the reputation (huge trunks and teeny minds) , authorities on, gas, bishops, best-sellers, new spellers, editors looking for writers, writers looking for publishers, publishers looking for dollars, existentialists, serious physicists with nuclear missions, men from the BBC who speak as though they have the Elgin Marbles in their mouths, potboiling philosophers, professional Irishmen ( very lepricorny ) and, I am afraid, fat poets with slim volumes."